The film follows the travels and events organized by Alain Ducasse, a well-known and successful restaurateur. In doing so, the movie tries to understand and unveil what motivates him in his "quests".
The review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes reported a 69% approval rating based on 13 reviews.[2]Glenn Kenny from The New York Times gave the film a bad review, stating: "I found 'The Quest of Alain Ducasse', a near-hagiographic documentary on the celebrated chef, a less than satisfactory experience."[3] Serena Donadoni writing for the Village Voice, said: "De Maistre makes the case that haute cuisine serves the same function as haute couture, creating an indelible experience while encouraging new ideas to filter through the industry."[4] Jordan Mintzer in his review for The Hollywood Reporter wrote: "If Ducasse is somewhat renowned for the simplicity of his dishes, for the way he can blend a few homegrown ingredients to achieve the perfect amalgam, then de Maistre definitely lathers the man with too much sauce."[5] Alissa Simon from Variety called the movie "absorbing and cinematic", stating: "'The Quest of Alain Ducasse' offers the documentary equivalent of a memorable meal at one of the eponymous chef's three Michelin-starred restaurants."[6]