The Purple Hills (originally titled "The Vanishing Frontier") is a 1961 American Western film directed by Maury Dexter and written by Russ Bender and Edith Cash Pearl. The film stars Gene Nelson, Kent Taylor, Danny Zapien, Medford Salway, Russ Bender and Joanna Barnes. The film was released in November 1961, by 20th Century Fox.[1][2][3][4]
After killing wanted outlaw A.J. Beaumont, a claim for a $8,225 reward is put in by Gil Shepard, then also by Johnny Barnes, the dead man's partner. While the sheriff tries to decide whose claim is valid, teenaged Martin Beaumont turns up, looking to avenge his brother's death. They also meet Amy Carter, who is attracted to Shepard.
After a discovery that Beaumont had been doing business with Apaches, it's clear even to Martin that his brother was a lawbreaker. Barnes shoots the sheriff, but Shepard gets the better of him and ends up with Carter.