The Mason Brothers is a 2017 American crime drama film written, directed by and starring Keith Sutliff. It also stars Brandon Sean Pearson, Matthew Webb, Tim Park, Julien Cesario, and Carlotta Montanari.
The film received mixed reviews. Michael Rechtshaffen of the LA Times said of the film "this lifeless serving of soggy pulp packs all the gritty authenticity of a gummy vitamin."[1]
365 Flicks Indie Review[2] Irish Film Critic[3] Review[4]
From Page 2 Screen[5]
Following Films[6]
Golden State Haunts[7]
First Showing[8]
Carry On Harry[9]
Il Cineocchio[10]
Bloody Disgusting[12]
Horror Society[13]
Search My Trash[14]
Blaber Buzz[15]
Flickering Myth[16]
The Slaughtered Bird[17]
Rouge Cinema[18]
Tampa Bay Times[19]
Screen Anarchy[20]