The Clinic is a 1982 Australian comedy film produced by Robert Le Tet and Bob Weis and directed by David Stevens. The film is a comedy/drama describing a day in a MelbourneVD clinic focusing on four doctors and their patients.[2] It was distributed by Roadshow Film Distributors.
Medical student Paul Armstrong (Simon Burke) arrives at a busy Melbourne VD clinic to study the work of the specialists there. Over the course of his visit, the strait-laced Paul encounters a diverse array of patients including gay man Charlie (Geoff Parry), middle-class woman Nancy (Veronica Lang), Carl (Martin Sharman), who has contracted a sexual disease after cheating on his fiancée, and Warwick (Ned Lander), who has lost his job due to contracting a disease.
The Clinic was filmed in Melbourne and Deniliquin, Australia.[2] Seabrook House was used as the location of the fictional clinic at 573 Lonsdale Street, in Melbourne.
Award nominations
In 1983 the film received 2 AFI Award nominations for Best Actress in a Supporting Role (Pat Evison) and Best Original Screenplay (Greg Millin).[3]
Box office
The Clinic grossed $414,000 at the box office in Australia,[4] which is equivalent to $1,092,960 in 2009 dollars.