The Associate is the working title of an upcoming American crime drama television series created by Ronan Bennett, who is set to write the entire series. The series began as The Donovans, an origin story to the Showtime series Ray Donovan, following the Donovan family, but as it developed further, it was reworked into its own standalone story. Guy Ritchie is attached to direct some episodes in the series. The series stars Tom Hardy as Harry, a fixer for the Harrigan family led by Helen Mirren and Pierce Brosnan.
Jasmine Jobson as Zosia, who works for Harry and is one of his closest associates
Alex Fine as Donnie, an adversary of Harry's
The Associate was first announced in February 2024 as a spinoff series called The Donovans that was loosely based on the Showtime series Ray Donovan,[1] intending to tell an origin story of the Donovan family.[2]
It was created by Ronan Bennett, who is also set to write and executive produce the series. Guy Ritchie is attached to direct some episodes and executive produce the series along with David C. Glasser, Ron Burkle, Bob Yari, David Hutkin, Ivan Atkinson, Keith Cox, Nina L. Diaz, Jez Butterworth, Kris Thykier, and Tom Hardy.[3] The series is produced by Showtime/MTV Entertainment Studios and 101 Studios to be made available on Paramount+ with Showtime.[4] As the series developed, it was reworked into its own standalone series by October 2024, using the working titlesThe Associate and Fixer.
Production on the series began in November 2024 in London.[9] Filming closed off part of Isle of Dogs in East London, and during production, a bag of camera equipment was stolen from the set in broad daylight.[10] The thieves returned and successfully stole more equipment leading to the firing and replacement of the security team on set.[11] During production, the set construction company Helix 3D went into bankruptcy, leaving several crew members with unpaid wages leading into the holiday season. Hardy offered to pay the crew, but the production companies ultimately covered the wages instead.[12]