The Tele-Fever was only manufactured in very small quantities and is rarely offered today.[2][3] Only a few games were released for the system.[2] After a short time, the production was discontinued.[3]
The Tele-Fever was a weak console compared to other available consoles around its release time,[5] but very cheap which made it attractive.[2] The console was mostly sold as a budget item in Tchibo sections of discounters.[6]
Some people think the design of the Tele-Fever is quite appealing.[3]
In 2019, Tchibo released another console, the Retro-Mini-Spielekonsole, which is a 8-bit dedicatedhandheld game console that contains 153 pre-installed retro games and costs €14.99.[8][9][10] It is basically a clone of Thumbs Up's Retro Arcade Games,[11] Monsterzeug's Retro Arcade,[12] Radbag's Retro Mini-Spielekonsole,[13] ORB's spielesammlung Retro Pocket junior,[14] and Karsten International's Arcade Game Portable Console,[15] which was also released under the name Retro Pocket Spiele/Retro Pocket Games in Germany in a cooperation with Woolworth.[16]