Teekli is a village in Sohna Mandal, Gurgaon District, Haryana state, India. It is 33.85 km south of India's capital New Delhi and lies in the foothills of the Aravali Mountains. It has a population of about 17,234 (approx) persons living in around 1,390 households. Teekli is dominated by Yadavs.
In late 1950s a few hundred Yadavs from Teekli moved to establish the new village of Samaspur.[citation needed]
Teekli is in Badshahpur constituency and Rakesh Daulatabad is the sitting MLA. Smt. Pooja is Sarpanch (Pardhan) of Teekli. Teekli has approximately 5,000 voters.[1]