The film revolves around T. P. Balagopalan, a low-scale employee at Falcon Products, who is a kind hearted, caring and humble young gentleman. He owns some land which his elder sister and her husband are trying to grab from him. He falls in love with a school teacher, Anitha, whom he meets in one of his marketing trysts for Falcon Products.
Balagopalan loses his land when he tries to help Anitha's father in a litigation. He also loses his job due to labor union issues. His younger sister, not being able to get married in a traditional arranged marriage setup, marries his friend, Narayanankutty. His elder sister and family leave his house when they find out that he does not have the land anymore.
Meanwhile, Anitha's father wins the court case and becomes rich. He returns Balagopalan's money but refuses to acknowledge his love with Anitha. He tries to get her married off to the lawyer who appeared for him in the High Court and won the case for him. However, Anitha runs away on the day of her wedding to live with Balagopalan. In the end, Balagopalan, Anitha, and Balagopalan's grandmother happily start living in his hometown.
Mohanlal as Balagopalan the film protagonist who is a kind hearted and humble young gentleman.
Shobana as Anitha, an elementary school teacher and Balagopalan's girlfriend.