Sylvester Baxter (February 6, 1850[1]–1927) was an American newspaper writer, poet, and urban planner in the Boston area. In 1893 he became the first secretary of the Massachusetts Metropolitan Park Commission and along with Charles Eliot was a chief force in the development of the Metropolitan Park System of Greater Boston.[2]
Baxter was the secretary of the Metropolitan Improvement Commission of Boston,[6] and was greatly interested in transportation issues, including in particular the urban trolley system.
Travel to Mexico: Spanish-Colonial Architecture in Mexico
Between 1920 and 1926 he traveled to Mexico. He wrote Spanish-Colonial Architecture in Mexico (La arquitectura hispano-colonial de México, in Spanish), a documentary registry of Colonial art and a critique to Colonial architecture in Mexico of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. The translation into Spanish was published in 1934, including images by Henry Greenwood Peabody which were later part of the collection of images donated by Fondo Guillermo Tovar de Teresa to the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia.[7]
In 1956, the Malden Garden Club dedicated the Sylvester Baxter Delta in Malden. (This was reported on page one in the May 15, 1956 issue of the Malden Evening News.) The Sylvester Baxter Delta is located at 42°25'48.5"N 71°05'04.8"W, in Malden, MA where Savin Street and Fellsmere Road meet. The memorial plaque was rediscovered by two Malden residents in October 2015. Sylvester Baxter Delta plaque re-discovered at Fellsmere Park in Malden.[8]
Significant Comparisons of the Cost of Light Furnished under Municipal Ownership with that by Private Corporations. Providence, RI: E.A. Johnson & Co., 1891.
Lynn's Public Forest: A Hand-Book Guide to the Great Woods Park in the City of Lynn. Boston, Author's Mutual Publishing Company. 1891.
The Metropolitan Park System. Boston, MA: Massachusetts Horticultural Society. 1894.
Golden New England. Boston, MA: N.W. Harris & Company, 1910.
Remaking a Railway: A Study in Efficiency, Being an Appreciation of the New Transportation Epoch in New England. Boston, New England Lines, n.d. [1910].
Salvation by Trolley: Trolley Lines as Feeders for Railways Mean Prosperity for Rural Communities. Boston, MA: Rand Avery Supply Co., n.d. [1911].
Should Railroads Own Trolleys? A Study of the Conditions Involved in the Proposed Consolidation of the Springfield and Worcester Trolley Systems with the Railroad-Owned Berkshire System. Boston, MA: W.S. Best Printing Co., n.d. [1912].
Helping New England Grow: Organized Efforts of the Railroads: The New England Lines Industrial Bureau; Its Constructive Activities. Boston, MA: n.p., 1913.
The Unseen House, and Other Poems. Boston, MA: Four Seas, 1917.
The Ring and the Tree and Other Poems. Boston, MA: B. Humphries, 1938.
The Southwest in the American imagination : the writings of Sylvester Baxter, 1881-1889. Curtis M Hinsley and David R Wilcox (eds.) Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 1996.