The story begins with Gowri Lakshmi Bayi entrusting the four-month-old Swathi Thirunal Rama Varma to the care of the English East India Company whose representative was Col. Munro. Then it cuts to when Swathi Thirunal is sixteen and takes over the reins of Travancore from his aunt Gowri Parvati Bayi. Swathi Thirunal's biography is then shown against the backdrop of the music that he himself has composed. The movie ends with his death in 1846.
After Anant Nag's Kannada film Narada Vijaya (1980) was dubbed into Malayalam and performed well in the Kerala box office, the director Lenin Rajendran and cinematographer Madhu Ambat approached him to portray Swathi Thirunal Rama Varma in their biopic of him. Though initially reluctant, he ultimately agreed. Actor Saikumar was initially offered the lead role, but he later made his debut in Ramji Rao Speaking (1989). ([2] In return, Nag told Rajendran about the work of art director P. Krishnamoorthy whom he had worked with in Hamsageethe and the latter made his debut in Malayalam through this film.[3]
The film's original music was composed by M. B. Sreenivasan. The soundtrack features vocals of several singers including M. Balamuralikrishna, who received a State award for his work.