Stacy Brooks (born April 8, 1952) was a Scientologist for over 20 years, working in the Sea Org in Los Angeles for almost fifteen.[1] In 1985, Stacy Brooks was the managing editor of Freedom magazine.[2]
Previously married to Vaughn Young, in 1997 Stacy described being assigned to be a guard for a woman in 1988 who was being run through the Introspection Rundown. The woman "thought she was a butterfly and a dog", and she was being "kept for two months in a shack with a bare mattress and dirt floors in a Scientology compound east of Los Angeles."[3]
Critic of Scientology
Some time after leaving Scientology in 1989, Brooks joined the Lisa McPherson Trust where she was president.[4][5]
Brooks served as an expert witness in many high-profile Scientology lawsuits,[3] and has made many television appearances criticizing Scientology, on programs including Dateline, 20/20 and 60 Minutes.[6][1]