Spirit World (French: Yūrei) is a 2024 fantasy drama film directed by Eric Khoo. The film stars Catherine Deneuve as legendary singer Claire who flies to Japan for a final sold-out concert, but as the show comes to an end so does her worldly life.[1][2] A France, Japan and Singapore co-production, the film premiered as closing film of 29th Busan International Film Festival on 11 October 2024.[3]
The film based on an original screenplay, is structured as a three-way production involving companies from Singapore, Japan and France. Singapore authorities supported the project financially. In January 2024, production began in Takasaki, an ancient town on Honshu Island between Tokyo and Kyoto, where it continued for 10 days, before moving to other locations.[1]
The film will be released on 18 December 2024 in French theatres by ARP Sélection.[8]
Goodfellas, a Paris-based sales company acquired the international sales rights and will launch the film at the Eurepeon Film Market. ARP Sélection acquired French rights and will release the film in France.[2]
Allan Hunter reviewing for Screen Daily giving positive review called it, "A simple, sentimental tale with a tendency towards inoffensive whimsy." Closing his review Hunter wrote, By concentrating more on Hayato and his challenges, Claire and Yuzo are somewhat sidelined. He added However, this shift enables Khoo to craft a richer narrative about loss, love, and the invaluable essence of life.[9]