Sex and Ethics
Sex and Ethics: Essays on Sexuality, Virtue and the Good Life is a book edited by Raja Halwani in which the authors provide philosophical analyses of different aspects of human sexuality.
The book was reviewed by Andreas G. Philaretou , John A. Dick and Cheshire Calhoun .[ 1] [ 2]
Juha Sihvola , ‘‘Sexual Desire and Virtue in Ancient Philosophy’’
Lara Denis , ‘‘Sex and the Virtuous Kantian Agent’’
Martha Nussbaum , ‘‘Feminism, Virtue, and Objectification’’
Jonathan Jacob , ‘‘Sexuality and the Unity of the Virtues’’
David Carr , ‘‘On the Prospects of Chastity as a Contemporary Virtue’’
Peter Geach , ‘‘Temperance’’
Nicholas Dent , ‘‘Deliberation and Sense–Desire: The Virtue of Temperance’’
Raja Halwani , ‘‘Sexual Temperance and Intemperance’’
Neera Badhwar , ‘‘Carnal Wisdom and Sexual Virtue’’
Heather Battaly , ‘‘Intellectual Virtue and Knowing One’s Sexual Orientation’’
James Stramel , ‘‘Coming Out, Outing, and Virtue Ethics’’
Jan Steutel and Ben Spiecker , ‘‘Components of Virtues and Stagnations in Moral-Sexual Development’’
Dirk Baltzly , ‘‘The Wrongness of Adultery: A Neo-Aristotelian Approach’’
Stephen Kersnar , ‘‘Pornography, Health, and Virtue’’
Raja Halwani, ‘‘Casual Sex, Promiscuity, and Temperance’’
Alan Soble , Afterword
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