Senna corymbosa is an ornamental plant in the genusSenna. It is also known as Argentine senna, Argentina senna, buttercup bush, flowering senna, Texas flowery senna or tree senna.
This evergreen shrub reaches a height of about one meter. It can be grown in temperate climates as it is somewhat frost-hardy.
In the Northern Hemisphere, it flowers in July.[1] The flowers fold in the shade and at night. The flowers are yellow, with 5 sepals and sub-equal petals, 10 very unequal etamins in 3 groups [3-4-3] and a style very curved upwards. It blooms in summer and autumn and is visited by bumblebees, which are responsible for its pollination. The fruit is a hanging indehiscent legume, cylindrical in shape (about 6 to 10 cm) full of seeds.