"Sendō Kouta" (船頭小唄, "Boatman's Ballad") is a Japanese kayōkyoku song originally published as sheet music in 1921 under the common name of "Karesusuki" (枯れすすき, "Withered Pampas"), receiving its current title in 1922.[1] The lyrics were written by Ujō Noguchi and the melody was composed by Shinpei Nakayama.[2] It was popular throughout Japan from at least 1921 to 1923.[3]
In 1922 and 1923, several record companies recorded and released "Sendō Kouta". In the latter year, Yoshinobu Ikeda's low-budget film based on the song was released, adding to the song's popularity.[4][5] After the 1923 Great Kantō earthquake, the song's popularity spread further throughout Japan to the point that the public blamed the song for the disaster.[6] The song was recorded by Victor Records in 1928.[7]