Eddie Deacon, a former Marine Corps Security Captain, finds a job as a mall security guard. He meets fellow guards Vance, Ruby, Mason and Johnny.
Meanwhile, a US Marshal convoy transporting a girl named Jamie is ambushed by mercenaries. She is the main witness in an organized crime trial. The Marshals are ambushed and killed but Jamie escapes and seeks refuge at the mall. Mercenary leader Charlie attempts to bribe the guards for Jamie but Eddie refuses. Charlie informs his men that they and their families will be executed if they fail to retrieve Jamie.
Eddie and the guards create homemade bombs and traps to defend the mall. They stall and kill several mercenaries, but Johnny is killed by a sniper while trying to signal the police and Ruby is mortally wounded while aiding Vance's escape. Other US Marshals arrive, but Eddie notices the mercenary tattoo on their necks and kills them. Mason is killed and Vance is badly wounded and presumed dead.
Eddie sends Jamie to radio for help, then is attacked by Charlie's second in command Dead Eyes. He disables the mercenary's radio jammer with a trike kept in the mall and then kills Dead Eyes and the sniper with a gun Vance had hidden in his car. Charlie finds Jamie in the mall, but Jamie shocks him with a taser and Eddie shoots Charlie in the head with Vance's pistol, killing him.
The police arrive and take Jamie to safety, and Vance is revealed to be alive. Jamie tells Eddie his daughter is lucky to have a father like him. Eddie reunites with his wife and daughter.