The film began production in 1993 with Dina Bonnevie, Nanette Medved and Cesar Montano originally part of the cast and Danny Zialcita initially at the helm. However, halfway through production, Nanette and Cesar backed out, with the former due to scheduling conflicts and the latter choosing to work on Alyas Waway, and Danny was taken ill. As a result, the film was shelved.
In April the following year, production of the film was revived, this time with Laurice Guillen at the helm and Alice Dixson and Rustom Padilla taking over the roles of Nanette and Cesar respectively. At one point, Laurice was hospitalized, putting production on hold for a couple of weeks.[5]
^Japitana, Norma (April 29, 1994). "The New Look of Dina B."Manila Standard. Philippine Manila Standard Publishing. p. 18. Retrieved January 22, 2023 – via Google News.
^Japitana, Norma (July 15, 1994). "What Now, Robin?". Manila Standard. Philippine Manila Standard Publishing. p. 21. Retrieved January 22, 2023 – via Google News.
^ abJapitana, Norma (July 18, 1994). "Maggie Cries Foul". Manila Standard. Philippine Manila Standard Publishing. p. 25. Retrieved January 22, 2023 – via Google News.