Seleksi Nasional Berdasarkan Tes or SNBT (Test-Based National Selection), is an Indonesian college entrance system for admission of new students in state universities using written examinations nationally, which has various advantages, both for college applicants, public universities, as well as national interests. For college applicants, written exams are very profitable because they are more efficient, cheaper, and flexible due to cross-regional mechanisms.
Based on its history, the beginning of SBMPTN implementation starts from the implementation of Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SNMPTN, Joint National Selection of State Universities) through written test (SNMPTN Tulis) held in 2008. At that time, SNMPTN is organized by Dirjen Dikti Kemendikbud (Directorate General of Higher Education of Ministry of Education and Culture). However, starting in 2013 the tests is submitted to the Majelis Rektor Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Indonesia (MRPTNI, Rectors Assembly of State Universities of Indonesia). Based on the very long experience in executing the selection of new admissions through written examination, in 2013, MRPTNI held a written test as one form of admission to PTN in addition to SNMPTN. This test put forward the principle of trust and togetherness is called Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SBMPTN).
Written exams use test questions developed in such way that meet the requirements for validity, difficulty level, and sufficient distinguishing features. The written exam of SBMPTN is designed to measure the general capabilities that allegedly determine the success of prospective students in all courses, namely higher-order thinking, which includes academic potential, mastery of basic subject areas: the field of Saintek (Sains dan Teknologi, Science and Technology) or Soshum (Sosial dan Humaniora, Social and Humanities) fields. In addition to taking a written exam, participants who choose the course of Arts and/or Sports are required to take a skill exam.
Participating universities
The number of state universities incorporated into SNBT (then SBMPTN) for the first time in 2013 is as much as 62 state universities and by 2015 it is estimated to increase to 77 state universities. This is caused by the number of new colleges and Islamic universities, which previously was in the Ministry of Religious Affairs then delegated to the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education.
Is a portfolio of ability/talent needed in order to apply for select study programs, submitted upon registration of SNBT which consists of eleven (11) categories:[4][5]
Fine arts, design, and craft
Karawitan (Javanese music)
Film and television
Pedalangan (traditional puppetry)
Sendratasik (combined arts consisting of drama, dance, and music)