Roshan Pura (also known as Dichaon Khurd), is an urbanised village in South-west Delhi, near Najafgarh. It is located on Najafgarh-Gurgaon Road. Khurd and Kalan are Persian language words which means small and big respectively, used to distinguish the village from the adjacent Dichaon Kalan in Najafgarh tehsil. It is inhabited mainly by Shokeen (also known as Shokhanda) Jat clan. It is a planned village with wide roads and all the basic facilities: proper water supplies, sewage etc.
As of 2001[update] Roshan Pura had a population of 38,580. The population was 54% male, and 15% of the population was 6 years of age or younger. 71% of the total population (including children) was literate .[1]