He was born in Laverton, Somerset, the fourth son of William Keate, rector of Laverton, and brother of John Keate (1773–1852), headmaster of Eton College. Keate was educated at Bath Grammar School.
“History of a Case of Bony Tumour containing Hydatids Successfully Removed from the Head of a Femur.” – Med.-Chir. Trans., 1819, x, 278.
“Case of Exfoliation from the Basilar Process of the Occipital Bone and from the Atlas after Excessive Use of Mercury.” – Lond. Med. Gaz., 1834–5, xvi, 13 (with drawing): Le Gros Clark referred to the specimen and reproduced the drawing in the Med.-Chir. Trans., 1849, xxxii, 68.
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