Following the war Naurois became involved in ornithology, especially of the coast of West Africa and its offshore islands. His doctoralthesis, which he defended in 1969 at the age of 63, was titled "Populations and breeding cycles of birds of the western coast of Africa from Cape Barbas, Spanish Sahara to the frontier of the Republic of Guinea".
As well as numerous papers in the scientific literature, books authored or coauthored by Naurois include:
1994 – Les oiseaux des iles du Golfe de Guinee: Sao Tome, Prince et Annobon. Ministerio do Planeamento e da Administracao do Territorio, Secretaria de Estado da Ciencia e Tecnologia, Instituto de Investigacao Cientifica Tropical. ISBN978-972-672-629-6. (In French and Portuguese).
2004 – Aumônier de la France Libre - Mémoires. (With Jean Chaunu). Éditions Perrin. ISBN2-262-02118-X