Red Deer is a Canadian drama film, directed by Anthony Couture and released in 2000.[1] Set in Red Deer, Alberta, the film centres on two visitors to the city and their interactions with a group of local residents.[2]
Otavie (Awaovieyi Agie) and Carol (Loreya Montayne) both check into a motel around the same time. Otavie befriends Sarah (Amber Rothwell), but becomes suspected of a crime by her father Jerry (Kurt Max Runte) and boyfriend David (James Hutson) when she unexpectedly runs away; Carol takes a job as a phone sex operator, and develops something of a relationship with Nigel (Joe Procyk), the lonely owner of a local bookstore.[2]
Couture, a native of Red Deer, made the film as his masters thesis while studying filmmaking at the University of British Columbia.[3]