Ranks and insignia of NATO navies enlisted

This table shows the ranks and insignia of NCOs and Seaman in the navies of member countries of NATO. NATO maintains a "standard rank scale" in an attempt to match every member country's military rank to corresponding ranks used by the other members. The rank categories were established in the document STANAG 2116, formally titled NATO Codes for Grades of Military Personnel.

Other ranks (OR 1–9)

NATO code OR-9 OR-8 OR-7 OR-6 OR-5 OR-4 OR-3 OR-2 OR-1
 Albanian Naval Force[1]
Kryekapter Kapter Rreshter Tetar Nëntetar Ushtar IV Ushtar III Ushtar II Ushtar I
 Belgian Navy[2]
Oppermeester-chef Oppermeester Eerste meesterchef Eerste meester Meester-chef Meester Tweede meester Eerste kwartiermeester-chef Kwartiermeester-chef Kwartiermeester Eerste matroos Matroos
Maître principal-chef Maître-principal Premier-maître chef Premier maître Maître-chef Maître Second-maître Premier quartier-maître-chef Quartier-maître-chef Quartier maître Premier matelot Matelot
Chefhauptmeister Hauptmeister Erster chefmeister Erster meister Meister-chef Meister Zweiter meister Erster oberquartiermeister Oberquartiermeister Quartiermeister Erster matrose Matrose
 Bulgarian Navy[3]

Офицерски кандидат
Ofitserski kandidat
Главен старшина
Glaven starshina
Старшина 1 степен
Starshina 1 stepen
Старшина 2 степен
Starshina 2 stepen
Старши матрос
Starshi matros
 Royal Canadian Navy[4][5]
Chief petty officer 1st class Chief petty officer 2nd class Petty officer 1st class Petty officer 2nd class Master sailor Sailor 1st class Sailor 2nd class Sailor 3rd class
Premier(ère) maître de 1re classe Premier(ère) maître de 2e classe Maître de 1re classe Maître de 2e classe Matelot-chef Matelot de 1re classe Matelot de 2e classe Matelot de 3e classe
 Croatian Navy[6]
No insignia
Časnički namjesnik Stožerni narednik Nadnarednik Narednik Desetnik Skupnik Razvodnik Pozornik Mornar
Czech Republic Czech Republic No navy

 Royal Danish Navy[7]
Chefsergent Seniorsergent Oversergent Sergent Sergent SØ Korporal Marinespecialist Marineoverkonstabel Marinekonstabel
 Estonian Navy[8]
Ülemveebel Staabiveebel Vanemveebel Veebel Nooremveebel Vanemmaat Maat Nooremmaat Vanemmadrus Madrus
NATO code OR-9 OR-8 OR-7 OR-6 OR-5 OR-4 OR-3 OR-2 OR-1
 Finnish Navy[9]
Sotilasmestari Ylipursimies Pursimies Ylikersantti Kersantti Alikersantti Ylimatruusi Matruusi
Militärmästare Överbåtsman Båtsman Översergeant Sergeant Undersergeant Övermatros Matros
 French Navy[10]
Major Maître principal Premier maître Maître Second-maître Quartier-maître de 1ère classe Quartier-maître de 2ème classe Matelot breveté Matelot
 German Navy[11]
No insignia
Oberstabs­bootsmann Stabs­bootsmann Haupt­bootsmann Ober­bootsmann Bootsmann Obermaat Maat Stabskorporal Korporal Oberstabs­gefreiter Stabs­gefreiter Haupt­gefreiter Ober­gefreiter Gefreiter Matrose
 German Navy
(Officer designate)
Oberfähnrich zur See Fähnrich zur See Seekadett
 Hellenic Navy[12]




Hungary Hungarian River Guard
Főtörzszászlós Törzszászlós Zászlós Főtörzsőrmester Törzsőrmester Őrmester Szakaszvezető Tizedes Őrvezető Közkatona
 Icelandic Coast Guard[13]
Yfir Bátsmaður MS-3 Bátsmaður MS-2 Bátsmaður MS-1 AS-4 AS-3 Háseti AS-2 AS-1
 Italian Navy[14][15]
Capo di prima classe Capo di seconda classe Capo di terza classe
Sottocapo aiutante Sottocapo scelto Sottocapo di prima classe Sottocapo di seconda classe Sottocapo di terza classe
No insignia
Primo luogotenente Luogotenente Primo maresciallo Secondo aiutante Secondo capo scelto Secondo capo Sergente Comune scelto Comune di prima classe Comune di seconda classe
 Latvian Naval Forces[16]
Vecākais virsniekvietnieks Virsniekvietnieks Vecākais bocmanis Bocmanis Seržants Kaprālis Dižmatrozis Matrozis
NATO code OR-9 OR-8 OR-7 OR-6 OR-5 OR-4 OR-3 OR-2 OR-1
 Lithuanian Naval Force[17]
Vyresnysis laivūnas Laivūnas Štabo laivūnas Vyresnysis seržantas Seržantas Grandinis Vyresnysis jūreivis Jūreivis Jaunesnysis jūreivis
 Luxembourg No navy

 Montenegrin Navy[18]
Zastavnik 1 klase Zastavnik Stariji vodnik 1 klase Stariji vodnik Vodnik 1 klase Vodnik Mlađi vodnik Desetar Razvodnik
North Macedonia North Macedonia No navy

 Royal Netherlands Navy[19]

No insignia
Matroos der 1e klasse Matroos der 2e klasse Matroos der 3e klasse
 Royal Norwegian Navy[20]
Flaggmester Orlogsmester Flotiljemester Skvadronmester Senior kvartermester Kvartermester Konstabel Senior visekonstabel Visekonstabel Ledende menig Menig
 Polish Navy[21]
No insignia
Starszy chorąży sztabowy marynarki Starszy chorąży marynarki Chorąży marynarki Młodszy chorąży marynarki Starszy bosman Bosman Bosmanmat Starszy mat Mat Starszy marynarz Marynarz
 Portuguese Navy[22]
No insignia No insignia
Sargento-mor Sargento-chefe Sargento-ajudante Primeiro-sargento Segundo-sargento Subsargento Cabo-mor Cabo Primeiro-marinheiro Segundo-marinheiro Primeiro-grumete Segundo-grumete
NATO code OR-9 OR-8 OR-7 OR-6 OR-5 OR-4 OR-3 OR-2 OR-1
 Romanian Naval Forces[23]
No insignia
Plutonier adjutant principal Plutonier adjutant Plutonier-major Plutonier Sergent-major Sergent Caporal clasa I Caporal clasa a II-a Caporal clasa a III-a Fruntaș Soldat
Slovakia Slovakia No navy

 Slovenia Navy[24]
Višji štabni praporščak Štabni praporščak Višji praporščak Praporščak Višji štabni vodnik Štabni vodnik Višji vodnik Vodnik Naddesetnik Desetnik Poddesetnik Vojak
 Spanish Navy[25]
Suboficial mayor Subteniente Brigada Sargento primero Sargento Cabo mayor Cabo primero Cabo Marinero de primera Marinero
 Spanish Marine Infantry[25]
Suboficial mayor Subteniente Brigada Sargento primero Sargento Cabo mayor Cabo primero Cabo Soldado de primera Soldado
 Swedish Navy[26]
Flottiljförvaltare Förvaltare Överfanjunkare Fanjunkare Översergeant Sergeant Överfurir Furir Korpral Vicekorpral Menig 4 Menig 3 Menig 2 Menig 1 Menig
Sweden Swedish Amphibious Corps[26]
Regementsförvaltare Förvaltare Överfanjunkare Fanjunkare Översergeant Sergeant Överfurir Furir Korpral Vicekorpral Menig 4 Menig 3 Menig 2 Menig 1 Menig
 Turkish Naval Forces[27]
No insignia
Astsubay kıdemli başçavuş Astsubay başçavuş Astsubay kıdemli üstçavuş Astsubay üstçavuş Astsubay kıdemli çavuş Astsubay çavuş Astsubay astçavuş Uzman çavuş Çavuş Uzman onbaşı Onbaşı Er
 Royal Navy[28]

Warrant officer class 1 Warrant officer class 2 Chief petty officer Petty officer Leading rate Able rate
 Royal Marines[29]

No insignia
Warrant officer class 1 Warrant officer class 2 Colour sergeant Sergeant Corporal Lance corporal Marine
 United States Navy[30]
FMCPO E-9 E-8 E-8 E-7 E-6 E-5 E-4 E-3 E-2 No insignia
Command master chief petty officer Master chief petty officer Command senior chief petty officer Senior chief petty officer Chief petty officer Petty officer first class Petty officer second class Petty officer third class Seaman Seaman apprentice Seaman recruit
 United States Marine Corps[31]
No insignia
Sergeant major Master gunnery sergeant First sergeant Master sergeant Gunnery sergeant Staff sergeant Sergeant Corporal Lance corporal Private first class Private
 U.S. Coast Guard[30]
CMC MCPO E-8 E-7 E-6 E-5 E-4 E-3 E-2 E-2
Command master chief petty officer Master chief petty officer Senior chief petty officer Chief petty officer Petty officer first class Petty officer second class Petty officer third class Seaman Seaman apprentice Seaman recruit
NATO code OR-9 OR-8 OR-7 OR-6 OR-5 OR-4 OR-3 OR-2 OR-1

See also


  1. ^ Greece has only one level of Warrant Officer. According to the current issue (2021) of STANAG 2116, the Greek Warrant Officers are included in OR-9, however they are afforded the privileges of an officer. See STANAG 2116 note 29, page D-9


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