Ramana Avatara (transl. Incarnation of Rama) is a 2024 Indian Kannadaromanticcomedy drama film directed by debutant duo of Vikas and Vinay Pampathi, produced by Amrej Suryavanshi under production Starfab cinemas. The film features Rishi, Pranitha Subash, Shubra Aiyappa, Arun Sagar and Anirudh Acharya in the lead roles. The film's score and soundtrack is composed by Judah Sandhy whilst the cinematography is by Vishnu Prasad P, Sameer Deshpande and editing by Amar Nath.
A jovial guy named Rama Krishna who wants to be a political leader, goes through a series of uncontrollable situations that end up being lessons of life and help him become a true leader.
The film went into production in December 2018.[3][4] Shubra Aiyappa was onboarded to play a role in the film.[5][6] It was also reported that Raj B. Shetty and Danish Sait were also part of the project.[7][8] The film faced production delays owing the Covid-19 Pandemic[9] and finally completed the shooting in March 2021.[10][11]
Judah Sandhy composed the film's background music and scored for its soundtrack. Both the songs of the film which were released as promotional content were well received.[12]
The film was theatrically released on 10 May 2023 in Kannada and Telugu languages with special premiere shows held on 9 May 2024 in Bengaluru and Mysuru.[1][13]