Unlike many schemes, RC5 has a variable block size (32, 64 or 128 bits), key size (0 to 2040 bits), and number of rounds (0 to 255). The original suggested choice of parameters were a block size of 64 bits, a 128-bit key, and 12 rounds.
A key feature of RC5 is the use of data-dependent rotations; one of the goals of RC5 was to prompt the study and evaluation of such operations as a cryptographic primitive.[citation needed] RC5 also consists of a number of modular additions and eXclusive OR (XOR)s. The general structure of the algorithm is a Feistel-like network, similar to RC2. The encryption and decryption routines can be specified in a few lines of code. The key schedule, however, is more complex, expanding the key using an essentially one-way function with the binary expansions of both e and the golden ratio as sources of "nothing up my sleeve numbers". The tantalising simplicity of the algorithm together with the novelty of the data-dependent rotations has made RC5 an attractive object of study for cryptanalysts.[according to whom?]
RC5 is basically denoted as RC5-w/r/b where w=word size in bits, r=number of rounds, b=number of bytes in the key.
RC5 encryption and decryption both expand the random key into 2(r+1) words that will be used sequentially (and only once each) during the encryption and decryption processes. All of the below comes from Rivest's revised paper on RC5.[3]
Key expansion
The key expansion algorithm is illustrated below, first in pseudocode, then example C code copied directly from the reference paper's appendix.
Following the naming scheme of the paper, the following variable names are used:
w – The length of a word in bits, typically 16, 32 or 64. Encryption is done in 2-word blocks.
u = w/8 – The length of a word in bytes.
b – The length of the key in bytes.
K[] – The key, considered as an array of bytes (using 0-based indexing).
c – The length of the key in words (or 1, if b = 0).
L[] – A temporary working array used during key scheduling, initialized to the key in words.
r – The number of rounds to use when encrypting data.
t = 2(r+1) – the number of round subkeys required.
S[] – The round subkey words.
Pw – The first magic constant, defined as Odd((e − 2) × 2w), where Odd is the nearest odd integer to the given input, e is the base of the natural logarithm, and w is defined above. For common values of w, the associated values of Pw are given here in hexadecimal:
For w = 16: 0xB7E1
For w = 32: 0xB7E15163
For w = 64: 0xB7E151628AED2A6B
Qw – The second magic constant, defined as Odd((𝜙 − 1) × 2w), where Odd is the nearest odd integer to the given input, where 𝜙 is the golden ratio, and w is defined above. For common values of w, the associated values of Qw are given here in hexadecimal:
For w = 16: 0x9E37
For w = 32: 0x9E3779B9
For w = 64: 0x9E3779B97F4A7C15
# Break K into words# u = w / 8c=ceiling(max(b,1)/u)# L is initially a c-length list of 0-valued w-length wordsfori=b-1downto0do:L[i/u]=(L[i/u]<<<8)+K[i]# Initialize key-independent pseudorandom S array# S is initially a t=2(r+1) length list of undefined w-length wordsS[0]=P_wfori=1tot-1do:S[i]=S[i-1]+Q_w# The main key scheduling loopi=j=0A=B=0do3*max(t,c)times:A=S[i]=(S[i]+A+B)<<<3B=L[j]=(L[j]+A+B)<<<(A+B)i=(i+1)%tj=(j+1)%c# return S
The example source code is provided from the appendix of Rivest's paper on RC5. The implementation is designed to work with w = 32, r = 12, and b = 16.
voidRC5_SETUP(unsignedchar*K){// w = 32, r = 12, b = 16// c = max(1, ceil(8 * b/w))// t = 2 * (r+1)WORDi,j,k,u=w/8,A,B,L[c];for(i=b-1,L[c-1]=0;i!=-1;i--)L[i/u]=(L[i/u]<<8)+K[i];for(S[0]=P,i=1;i<t;i++)S[i]=S[i-1]+Q;for(A=B=i=j=k=0;k<3*t;k++,i=(i+1)%t,j=(j+1)%c){A=S[i]=ROTL(S[i]+(A+B),3);B=L[j]=ROTL(L[j]+(A+B),(A+B));}}
Encryption involved several rounds of a simple function, with 12 or 20 rounds seemingly recommended, depending on security needs and time considerations. Beyond the variables used above, the following variables are used in this algorithm:
A, B - The two words composing the block of plaintext to be encrypted.
A=A+S[0]B=B+S[1]fori=1tordo:A=((A^B)<<<B)+S[2*i]B=((B^A)<<<A)+S[2*i+1]# The ciphertext block consists of the two-word wide block composed of A and B, in that order.returnA,B
Twelve-round RC5 (with 64-bit blocks) is susceptible to a differential attack using 244 chosen plaintexts.[1] 18–20 rounds are suggested as sufficient protection.
A number of these challenge problems have been tackled using distributed computing, organised by Distributed.net. Distributed.net has brute-forced RC5 messages encrypted with 56-bit and 64-bit keys and has been working on cracking a 72-bit key since November 3, 2002.[4] As of July 26, 2023, 10.409% of the keyspace has been searched and based on the rate recorded that day, it would take a little more than 59 years to complete 100% of the keyspace.[5] The task has inspired many new and novel developments in the field of cluster computing.[6]
RSA Security, which had a (now expired) patent on the algorithm,[7] offered a series of US$10,000 prizes for breaking ciphertexts encrypted with RC5, but these contests were discontinued as of May 2007.[4] As a result, distributed.net decided to fund the monetary prize. The individual who discovers the winning key will receive US$1,000, their team (if applicable) will receive US$1,000, and the Free Software Foundation will receive US$2,000.[8]
^Rivest, R. L. (1994). "The RC5 Encryption Algorithm"(PDF). Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Fast Software Encryption (FSE) 1994e. pp. 86–96. Archived from the original(PDF) on 2007-04-17. Retrieved 2004-12-18.