Rómulo Antonio Braschi

Rómulo Antonio Braschi (born December 25, 1941) is an Argentine independent Catholic bishop, not in communion with the Catholic Church. Braschi was labeled as being an episcopus vagans in the early 2000s.[1][2][3][4][5]


Born in Buenos Aires, and ordained a Roman Catholic priest in August 1966, he was associated with members of the worker-priest movement in Argentina and the Movement of Priests for the Third World. He was arrested and questioned for these activities during the Dirty War. Disillusioned by what he perceived as the silence and tacit condemnation of the Roman Catholic hierarchy in the face of progressive Church movements, he distanced himself from the Roman Church while resolving not to abandon his priestly ministry.[6]

Catholic Apostolic Charismatic Church of "Jesus the King"

In 1975 he set up an independent Catholic church in Buenos Aires Province. In 1978 this became the Catholic Apostolic Charismatic Church of "Jesus the King",[a] now present in several European and Latin American countries, per its own claims.[8] He was ordained as a bishop in Munich by Roberto Garrido Padin, a bishop of the Brazilian Catholic Apostolic Church, and Hilarios Karl-Heinz Ungerer, a bishop of the Free Catholic Church in Germany.

Braschi gained notoriety in 2002 when he took part in the ordinations of seven Roman Catholic women, who became known as the Danube Seven. The ordinations led to the women's excommunication by the Vatican.[9] Braschi and the women asked the Vatican to revoke the excommunication, but they were denied in the Decree on the Attempted Ordination of Some Catholic Women. His excommunication was confirmed before this decree because he was already a leader of a schismatic denomination.[10]

See also

Roman Catholic Womenpriests


  1. ^ In 2001, the Argentine government resolved that it causes confusion and granting it official recognition would cause injury to another confession; furthermore, according to the Argentine government, it is not a sociological entity since it has no religious community, it has no place of worship, it has no religious ministers, and is non-existent in Argentina.[7]


  1. ^ Rauber, Urs (2000-07-07). "Geistheiler: ein wanderbischof geht auf wundertour". Beobachter (in German). 2000 (14). Zürich, CH: Axel Springer. ISSN 1661-7444. Archived from the original on 2015-10-19. Retrieved 2015-10-19.
  2. ^ Erzbistum München; Röhmel, Winfried (2002-06-26). "Falscher Bischof äußert sich zu angeblicher Priesterinnenweihe" (Press release) (in German). Köln, DE: Katholischen Kirche in Deutschland. Archived from the original on 2003-01-01. Retrieved 2015-10-19. Sein wechselndes Agieren, unter anderem mit angemaßten amtlichen Zuordnungen, ist als Hochstapelei und Scharlatanerie zu werten.
  3. ^ Neuhaus, Richard J. (October 2002). "Seeking a better way". firstthings.com. New York: The institute on religion and public life. ISSN 1047-5141. Archived from the original on 2015-10-20. Retrieved 2015-10-20.
  4. ^ Müller, Joachim (2005-05-09). "Wanderbischöfe (Episcopi vagantes)". kath.ch (in German). Zürich, CH: Katholisches Medienzentrum. Archived from the original on 2006-01-11. Retrieved 2015-10-20.
  5. ^ "Unseriöse Priesterinnen?". EMMA (in German). 2002 (5). Köln, DE: EMMA Frauenverlag: 12. September 2002. ISSN 0721-9741.
  6. ^ Jarvis, Edward (2018) God Land & Freedom, The True Story of ICAB, Apocryphile Press, Berkeley CA, pp. 166-167
  7. ^ Secretaría de Culto de la Nación (2001-10-02). "Resolución 3118/2001: No hacer lugar a la inscripción de la organización denominada Iglesia Católica Apostólica Carismática 'Jesús Rey', de Alemania". Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina (in Spanish). 119 (29771). Buenos Aires: Argentina (published 2001-11-09): 8. Retrieved 2015-10-19. Que no se ha acreditado la existencia de una verdadera comunidad religiosa, sino el propósito individual de una persona de establecer una iglesia hasta ahora inexistente en el país, faltando la mínima entidad sociológica indispensable para ser registrada como tal. Que la peticionante además carece de lugares de culto y de ministros religiosos residentes.
  8. ^ "The Catholic Apostolic Charismatic Church of "Jesus the King"". jesustheking.20fr.com. Retrieved 2022-06-08.
  9. ^ BBC:Church kicks out women 'priests'
  10. ^ Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Decree on the attempted ordination of some Catholic women In the course of these meetings the members arrived at the collegial decision to confirm the decree of excommunication. In the case under consideration, in fact, hierarchical recourse is not possible as it concerns a decree of excommunication issued by a Dicastery of the Holy See acting in the name of the Supreme Pontiff (cf. Canon 360).

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