Putty Hill is a 2010 American independent drama film co-written and directed by Matt Porterfield, and starring Sky Ferreira, Zoe Vance, and James Siebor. The plot focuses on friends and family who gather to remember a young man in the aftermath of his death and attempt to reconstruct his last days.
The film revolves around a community of friends and family as they cope with the untimely death of a young man named Cory in Baltimore, Maryland. Throughout the film the characters engage one on one with the camera discussing their relationship to Cory and their reactions to his death.
Sky Ferreira as Jenny, Cory's cousin; Spike's daughter
Zoe Vance as Zoe, Cory's older sister
James Siebor as James, Cory's brother
Dustin Ray as Dustin, Cory's best friend
Charles Sauers as Spike, Cory's uncle; Jenny's father; Cathy's brother
Cathy Evans as Cathy, mother of Cory, Zoe, James and Marina; Spike's sister
Virginia Heath as Virginia, Cathy and Spike's mother
Cody Ray as Cody, Dustin's brother
Casey Weibust as Casey, Zoe's best friend
Drew Harris as Geoff, Cory's neighbor, Ashley's brother
Marina Siebor as Marina, Cory's younger sister
Jimee Buchanon as Jimee, Cory's friend; Ashley's neighbor; Mary's boyfriend
Mary Pozoulakis as Mary, Cory's friend; Jimee's girlfriend
Aurora Corey as Aurora, Jenny's childhood best friend
Liz O'Brien as Liz, Aurora's Friend
Ashley Ocfemia as Ashley, Aurora's Friend; Geoff's sister
Ian Burke as Ian, Cody's friend
Joseph Mooney as Joe, a friend of the family
Carol Ray as Carol, Cody and Dustin's mother
India Streeter as India, Cody's girlfriend
Alex Herbskerman as Alex, Zoe's friend
Lucie Stahl as Lucie, Zoe's friend
Julia Arredondo as Julia, Zoe's friend
Filming took place in and around Baltimore, Maryland. The film is noted for utilizing mainly nonprofessional actors who play themselves in a fictional story. Much of the dialogue was created through conversations Matthew Porterfield had with the actors prior to filming.[2] The director names mainly European directors as influences, such as Pedro Costa and Robert Bresson.[3][4]