Porn and Ice Cream (Spanish: Porno y helado) is an Argentine comedy television series created by Martín Piroyansky for Amazon Prime Video.[1] Premiered on March 11, 2022, it stars Piroyansky, Ignacio Saralegui and Sofía Morandi.[2]
Filmed in Uruguay, the series stars a cast of Argentine and Uruguayan actors.[3] In October 2022, it was renewed for a second season which premiered on September 20, 2024.[4][5]
Pablo (Martín Piroyansky) is an immature 30-year-old man who, together with his best friend Ramón (Ignacio Saralegui), who is not doing very well in life, decide to form a fake rock band with Cecilia (Sofía Morandi), a young scammer. After the release of their first hit inspired by watching pornography and eating ice cream, they manage to become popular. However, his lie soon gets out of control.[6]
In January 2021, the Salado studio announced that pre-production of the series had begun, with Martín Piroyansky as creator, screenwriter and director.[7] In March of the same year, Amazon ordered the production of eight episodes, which would be produced together with Navajo Films and Claxson.[8]