In 2022, the new Career and Development Paths (Karriär- och utvecklingsvägar, KUV) system was introduced with the aim of, among other things, increasing salaries, including changes to police rank designations. This reform introduced an amount of new ranks and levels. For example, the Police Constable rank has been split into five levels (Amended by PMFS2022:10).[1] These rank designations became effective as of 2023.
The old ranks are still in use alongside the new ranks, as the new rank reform currently only benefit a limited amount of positions, including patrol officers.
The ranks currently in use by the Swedish Police, from top to bottom, are as following:
Deputy Chief of the Security Police (Biträdande säkerhetspolischef)
Police Director (Regional Police Chief, Department Chief, or after special appointment) (Polisdirektör)
Assistant Police Director (Deputy regional Police Chief, Deputy department Chief, or after special appointment) (Biträdande polisdirektör)
Police Master (Chief of police area, or after special appointment) (Polismästare)
Police Master (Deputy chief of police area, or after special appointment) (Polismästare)
Police Master, Police Senior Intendant (Chief of unit, Deputy chief of police area) (Polismästare / Polisöverintendent)
Police Intendant (Chief of a local police area, chief of staff of a police area) (Polisintendent)
Police Secretary (Section chief of national departments) (Polissekreterare)
Police Commissar, Detective Commissar (Chief of section) (Poliskommissarie / Kriminalkommissarie, chef för sektion)
Police Commissar, Detective Commissar (Regional Supervisor, deputy chief of section/local police area) (Poliskommissarie / Kriminalkommissarie, vakthavande befäl, biträdande chef för lokalpolisområde, chef för befälsgrupp på indirekt nivå)
In charge of departments in a county or city, of a police district in the three largest cities and in larger counties.[citation needed]
Detective Superintendent
In charge of a police district within a county or city police force, leads a riot police battalion, the riot police unit or helicopter unit for the county police. Usually commands around 300 policemen. Police chief for towns between 10,000 and 22,000 inhabitants.[citation needed]
Kriminalkommissarie med särskild tjänsteställning
Chief Inspector,
Detective Chief Inspector
In charge of a police station in the three largest cities, or a police chief of towns less than 10,000 people. Chief of Company for the riot police and armed units. Usually commands around 120-150 personnel.[citation needed]
Detective Inspector
In charge of a police station or precinct, a riot police unit of 40-45 officers or a police helicopter squadron.[citation needed]
Kriminalinspektör med särskild tjänsteställning
Detective Sergeant
Lowest officer rank at precinct level that can make arrests, issue fines, and personally open and lead an investigation. Usually supervises 20-25 policemen or in case of riot police, a squad of 15 riot police officers.[citation needed]
Senior Police Constable, 4 years of employment
Squad leaders, cannot make an arrest or lead/open an investigation unless specifically authorized by a sergeant. However, may issue certain fines. Usually leads squad of 5-6 constables.[citation needed]
Polisassistent, 4 års anställning
Police Constable
Between 0 and 4 years of service. Patrolling, emergency responses, assistance, etc.[citation needed]
Police Trainee
^Appointment as polisintendent or polissekreterare requires an academic degree or graduation from the police academy; graduation from the police senior leadership course, and at least three years experience of indirect leadership. (Rikspolisstyrelsens författningssamling 2011:20.)