A married man, Rajan Pradhan (Ashok Saraf), is stranded in a giant wheel with an attractive young woman, Rekha (Nivedita Joshi Saraf), due to a power failure. He arrives home the next day, and meets his very suspicious wife, Vijaya (Savita Prabhune), who is aware that he has been up to no good. She refuses to believe his story about the stalled giant wheel, forcing Rajan to invent a story about spending the night with his fictitious friend named Anthony Gonsalves. Vijaya, however, refuses to believe once again that he ever has a friend by that name, and decides to send Anthony a telegram to come and visit her. Rajan then convinces his America-returned friend, Sanjay Phadke (Laxmikant Berde), to act that he is Anthony, and thus convince Vijaya that he was indeed telling the truth. Sanjay agrees to do so, and everything goes according to plan, until a real and amorous Anthony Gonsalves (Chetan Dalvi) shows up, resulting in hilarious chaos.