Petrosal nerve may refer to:
Derived from the symp. plexus around I.C.A.
-Unite with the greater superficial petrosal n. (parasymp.)
To form the nerve of pterygoid canal (vidian n. ) which
passes through the pterygoid canal to reach the spheno-
palatine ganglion
-Enter the spheno-palatine ganglion in the pterygo-palatine
fossa (no relay)
-Parasymp. N. from nervus intermedius
-Origin: geniculate ganglion of facial n.
Leave petrous bone via its hiatus to reach middle cranial
Then run in its groove to enter f.lacerum to join with deep
petrosal n. to form n. to pterygoid canal ( vidian n.)
-vidian n. run to reach pterygopalatine fossa
-in fossa the parasymp. Fiber of G.S. petrosal n. relay in
sphenopalatine ganglion
Post ganglionic fibers supply :
Mucous gland of palat , nose , nasophartnx & lacrimal gland
Lesser petrosal nerve (also known as the lesser superficial petrosal nerve) from the geniculate ganglion to the otic ganglion
Arise from the tympanic plexus
reach the middle cranial fossa by foramen carry its name
-then passes through foramen ovale to reach the infra-
temporal fossa to relay in the otic ganglion
-The post.ganglionic fibers joins with auriculo temporal nerve
to reach the parotid gland
See also
Topics referred to by the same term