The film begins with Savitramma, an industrialist at Delhi, visiting her native village after many years. Currently, she meets her old family friend Sitaramaraju's family. During her stay in the conservative, she relishes the traditional culture and love of Sitaramaraju's daughter, Ganga. Accordingly, she desires to knit Ganga with her westernized grandson, Srinivasa Prasad / Chintu. Sitaramaraju's family accepts the proposal. Savitramma knows she will have a tough time convincing her grandson to nuptial. Hence, she assigns the task to her foster son, Sagar / Airport. Sagar lands in the village ahead of Chintu to set the stage for him to meet Ganga. Chintu arrives and acts offensively, sometimes intentionally, and sometimes because he has no idea of anything Indians consider rude or inappropriate. But Sagar, despite his attraction to Ganga, smoothens the way out. In his determination to help the marriage, Sagar deceives Ganga about Chintu's character and covers his bad habits.
After the engagement, the families mutually agree to go to Delhi before the wedding sets foot. Whereat she is hurt to hear Chintu's parents despise traditionality. In her new surroundings, her only friend and confidant is Sagar, and she expands an inherent bond with him. For now, Ganga realizes Chintu's wicked shade and breaks out before Sagar. So, she questions Chintu about this, and he misbehaves with her, and Sagar revolts against Chintu. Here, Chintu manipulates and poses Sagar as an impostor before Savitramma. So, Savitramma excludes Sagar from the house to Agra. Afterward, Ganga decides to forbid the espousal and return to her village. Before leaving, Chintu ploys and takes her to Agra to show her favorite spot Taj Mahal. Therein, he tries to molest her, but she escapes. Parallelly, Sagar also moves for her rescue; they meet near the Taj Mahal and back to the village. Before they reach, Chintu falsifies Ganga's family by saying Ganga eloped with Sagar. Being conscious of it, Ganga's family assaults Sagar and surrenders Ganga to Chintu. During that plight, Savitramma arrives, reveals the reality, disowns her family, and accepts Sagar as her heir. Now, she decides to go ahead with Ganga's marriage to Sagar.