P. hildebrandti is found in northern Madagascar, including the island of Nosy Be.[1][2]
The preferred natural habitat of P. hildebrandti is forest, at altitudes from sea level to 1,500 m (4,900 ft), but it may also be found in disturbed areas such as cacao plantations.[1]
P. hildebrandti has no legs, and it has no external ear openings.[2]
Brygoo E-R (1980). "Systématique des lézards scincides de la région malgache. III. les 'Acontias' de Madagascar. PseudacontiasBarboza du Bocage 1899, ParacontiasMocquard 1894, PseudacontiasHewitt 1929, et Malacontias Greer 1970. IV. Amphiglossus reticulatus (Kaudern 1922)". Bulletin du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, 4ème série – section A – Zoologie, biologie et écologie animales2 (3): 905–918. (Paracontias hildebrandti, new combination). (in French).
Glaw F, Vences M (2006). A Field Guide to the Amphibians and Reptiles of Madagascar, Third Edition. Cologne, Germany: Vences & Glaw Verlag. 496 pp. ISBN978-3929449-03-7.
Greer AE (1970). "A Subfamilial Classification of Scincid Lizards". Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University139 (3): 151–184. (Malacontias hildebrandti, new combination, p. 167).
Peters W (1880). "Über die von Hrn. J. M. Hildebrandt auf Nossi-Bé und Madagascar gasammelten Säugethiere und Amphibien ". Monatsberichte der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin1880: 508–511. (Acontias hildebrandti, new species, p. 510). (in German and Latin).