Opinion polling for the 2001 Polish parliamentary election

In the run up to the 2001 Polish parliamentary election, various organisations carried out opinion polling to gauge voting intention in Poland. Results of such polls are displayed in this article.



Dates of Polling Polling Firm/Link AWS SLD UP UW PSL ROP


PO PiS LPR Others / Undecided Lead
23 September 2001 Election results 5.6 41 3.1 9 w. LPR 10.2 12.7 9.5 7.9 1 28.3
19–20 September TNS OBOP 5 46 3 11 - 9 14 7 5 - 32
18 September TNS OBOP 4 43 4 12 - 9 15 7 5 1 28
17–18 September OBW 6 45 3 10 - 7 14 9 5 1 31
September 2001 PBS 8 47 5 9 - 5 14 7 4 1 33
14–16 September Pentor 4 51 3 7 - 8 13 9 4 1 38
13–16 September CBOS 5 50 3 9 - 6 13 9 5 0 37
13–14 September TNS OBOP 7 48 2 11 - 5 14 8 5 0 34
10–12 September OBW 8 47 3 11 - 5 13 10 3 0 34
8–11 September TNS OBOP 5 52 3 10 - 5 14 7 3 1 38
6–7 September TNS OBOP 7 50 4 12 - 4 12 8 3 0 38
4 September TNS OBOP 8 52 4 9 - 2 14 8 3 0 38
2–4 September OBW 7 46 4 13 - 4 13 9 3 5 33
1–2 September PBS 9 50 4 11 w. LPR 4 12 7 2 1 38
30 August TNS OBOP 8 50 4 12 - 2 12 8 3 1 38
19–22 August TNS OBOP 8 47 4 12 - 2 13 8 3 3 34
18–21 August OBW 6 48 4 11 - 4 12 9 3 3 36
15–16 August TNS OBOP 8 47 4 12 - 3 13 6 2 5 34
11–13 August Pentor 7 52 4 13 - 3 12 6 3 3 39
10 August Demoskop 7 56 6 9 - 3 11 6 1 1 45
8 August PBBOUS 7.3 39.6 4.1 7.3 - - 13.7 10.2 - 11.9 25.9
3–6 August PBS 12 49 3 9 w. LPR 3 12 6 2 4 37
3–6 August CBOS 5 50 4 10 - 1 14 10 1 3 36
2–5 August TNS OBOP 7 47 4 14 - 2 12 7 1 7 33
26–29 July TNS OBOP 7 46 4 12 1 1 13 7 1 8 33
26–28 July OBW 9 46 4 11 - 3 15 9 2 1 31
20–23 July PBS 12 52 4 8 - 2 12 5 2 3 40
19–22 July TNS OBOP 10 47 4 13 - 2 14 6 1 3 33
7–9 July TNS OBOP 6 44 5 15 - 2 16 7 1 3 28
6–9 July CBOS 6 52 4 13 - 2 13 6 2 2 39
6–9 July Demoskop 7 51 6 10 - - 16 7 - 3 35
7–9 July OBW 7 43 3 10 - - 17 10 - 10 26
6–9 July PBS 11 53 5 7 w. AWS 1 12 5 2 4 41
6–8 July Pentor 10 50 4 12 - - 14 5 - 5 36
25 June Demoskop 9 53 5 7 - - 14 6 - 6 39
23–25 June TNS OBOP 5 45 3 11 - 4 18 8 - 6 27
22–24 June Pentor 7 47 4 14 - - 19 5 - 8 28
15–18 June OBW 8 42 4 10 - 3 16 11 - 3 26
10–11 June PBS 13 50 4 10 w. AWS - 15 5 - 3 35
9–11 June TNS OBOP 6 50 4 12 - 2 13 10 - 3 37
1–4 June CBOS 10 48 2 7 - 2 13 5 0 11 35
May OBW 6 39 4 11 - - 18 11 - 11 21
26–28 May TNS OBOP 8 41 4 13 - 2 18 10 - 4 23
25 May Demoskop 5 44 3 9 1 - 13 - - 4 31
20 May OBW 10 41 5 11 - - 18 - - 15 23
12–14 May TNS OBOP 8 38 4 14 4 4 19 - - 8 19
11–14 May CBOS 7 46 3 9 3 2 13 5 - 18 33
12–13 May PBS 11 56 5 9 - - 15 - - 4 41
10–12 May Pentor 9 48 3 4 12 - - 17 - - 7 31
24 April Demoskop 9 43 5 8 2 1 12 - - 20 31
21–23 April TNS OBOP 13 43 5 13 3 3 16 - - 4 27
21 April Primary Election in Nysa [pl] 7.6 46.6 3.0 4.4 - 6.7 16.6 - - 11.2 30.0
7–9 April TNS OBOP 10 46 5 12 5 2 14 - - 6 32
6–9 April CBOS 9 41 5 12 1 1 11 - - 20 29
7–8 April PBS 13 49 6 8 - - 17 - - 7 32
24–26 March TNS OBOP 10 42 4 12 3 3 19 - - 6 23
24–25 March PBS 17 43 5 11 - - 17 - - 7 26
20–23 March OBW 13 43 5 12 - - 17 - - 10 23
10–12 March TNS OBOP 9 43 4 11 3 2 18 - - 10 25
9–12 March Demoskop 9 36 3 5 6 1 2 15 - - 23 33
10–11 March PBS 12 54 5 9 - - 12 - - 8 42
8–10 March Pentor 10 49 3 5 9 2 1 16 - - 5 33
2–5 March CBOS 9 44 6 7 2 1 12 - - 20 32
10–12 February TNS OBOP 10 40 4 12 3 3 21 - - 8 19
9–10 February Pentor 12 45 6 8 10 - - 14 - - 5 31
2–6 February CBOS 9 38 4 6 11 1 0 16 - - 16 22
27–29 January TNS OBOP 13 39 3 5 9 3 3 17 - - 7 22
27–28 January PBS 14 46 5 5 10 - - 17 - - 3 29
January Demoskop 8 39 - 7 10 - - - - - 36 29
13–15 January TNS OBOP 12 45 3 7 14 5 2 - - - 12 31
12–14 January Pentor 13 50 7 10 12 - - - - - 8 37
5–8 January CBOS 13 41 4 8 11 2 1 - - - 20 28


Dates of Polling Polling Firm/Link AWS SLD UP UW PSL ROP


Others/Undecided Lead
2–4 December Pentor 16 48 4 11 10 - - 9 32
1–4 December CBOS 13 41 4 9 10 2 1 21 28
25–26 November PBS 17 49 4 11 8 2 - 9 32
18–20 November TNS OBOP 16 44 2 11 12 4 3 8 28
10–13 November CBOS 14 41 5 7 10 1 1 21 27
10–12 November Pentor 14 52 5 10 9 - - 10 38
11–12 November PBS 17 51 5 10 8 - - 9 34
28–30 October TNS OBOP 14 38 3 9 13 8 3 12 24
13–16 October CBOS 15 38 4 9 8 1 1 25 23
14–15 October PBS 20 46 4 10 8 3 - 9 26
7–9 October Pentor 20 46 6 9 11 - - 8 26
October 8, 2000 Presidential elections 15.6 53.9 - - 6.0 - 3.1 21.4 36.6
9–11 September Pentor 17 50 3 7 13 - - 10 33
9–10 September PBS 20 48 - 9 7 - - 16 28
1–4 September CBOS 19 40 3 8 7 2 1 21 21
19–21 August TNS OBOP 15 40 3 13 11 6 3 9 25
12–14 August Pentor 15 49 5 7 14 - - 10 34
5–7 August TNS OBOP 14 43 3 9 12 6 3 10 29
4–7 August CBOS 16 38 4 6 9 2 1 23 22
5–6 August PBS 23 44 6 7 9 3 - 8 21
22–24 July TNS OBOP 17 45 2 9 10 5 4 8 28
8–10 July TNS OBOP 17 41 3 9 11 4 1 14 24
8–9 July Pentor 21 47 5 10 8 - - 8 26
8–9 July PBS 21 44 6 9 10 4 - 6 23
29 June-4 July CBOS 13 38 5 9 7 2 1 24 25
15–20 June CBOS 15 34 5 10 8 1 1 26 19
10–12 June TNS OBOP 17 42 4 8 9 7 3 10 25
10–11 June PBS 19 42 7 13 9 3 - 7 23
1–6 June CBOS 15 37 4 8 6 2 2 27 22
3–4 June Pentor 13 45 6 11 13 - - 12 32
27–29 May TNS OBOP 16 43 3 13 7 4 3 11 27
20–22 May TNS OBOP 15 40 3 14 10 4 4 10 25
11–16 May CBOS 14 41 5 9 7 1 2 22 27
14–15 May Pentor 16 48 4 11 10 - - 11 32
13–15 May TNS OBOP 14 40 6 9 10 5 5 11 26
13–14 May PBS 16 44 6 11 12 - - 11 28
15–17 April TNS OBOP 17 38 4 11 10 7 6 7 21
8–10 April Pentor 16 46 6 13 9 - - 10 30
8–10 April TNS OBOP 15 42 6 12 9 6 5 8 27
8–9 April PBS 18 41 6 14 10 3 - 8 23
30 March-4 April CBOS 15 38 6 7 7 3 1 24 23
1–3 April TNS OBOP 18 40 3 11 10 5 4 9 22
19–21 March TNS OBOP 17 42 2 12 7 3 5 12 25
11–13 March Pentor 17 47 5 12 8 - - 11 30
11–12 March PBS 18 46 6 13 8 2 - 7 28
4–6 March TNS OBOP 18 37 4 11 11 5 4 10 19
1–8 March CBOS 16 37 5 7 8 2 1 24 21
12–14 February Pentor 17 45 5 12 12 - - 11 28
12–13 February PBS 19 44 6 12 9 3 - 7 25
3–8 February CBOS 16 36 5 10 10 1 1 21 20
29–31 January TNS OBOP 20 42 3 9 8 4 4 10 22
13–18 January CBOS 16 35 3 11 10 2 1 23 19
15–17 January Pentor 16 42 6 14 9 - - 13 26
15–17 January TNS OBOP 19 42 4 10 8 4 4 9 23
15–16 January PBS 21 40 6 12 10 2 - 9 19


Dates of Polling Polling Firm/Link AWS SLD UP UW PSL ROP


Others/Undecided Lead
11–13 December TNS OBOP 16 43 2 12 10 5 4 8 27
1–7 December CBOS 20 38 4 8 7 2 1 21 18
4–5 December PBS 20 42 6 12 9 2 - 9 22
27–29 November TNS OBOP 15 39 4 11 9 5 4 13 24
13–15 November TNS OBOP 23 33 4 11 11 3 2 13 10
10–15 November CBOS 20 31 4 10 9 3 1 23 11
6–7 November PBS 21 43 8 10 8 2 - 8 22
5–11 October CBOS 17 35 5 10 7 3 1 21 18
9–10 October PBS 21 41 7 11 9 2 - 9 20
2–4 October TNS OBOP 23 32 4 10 10 3 7 11 9
18–20 September TNS OBOP 20 35 5 13 7 6 4 10 15
8–14 September CBOS 17 33 6 10 8 2 2 22 16
11–12 September PBS 19 40 7 12 9 4,2 - 8,8 21
4–6 September TNS OBOP 20 36 4 13 7 4 2 14 16
14–15 August PBS 23 36 5 11 11 4 - 10 13
4–10 August CBOS 16 34 5 9 11 2 1 23 18
7–13 July CBOS 20 33 4 7 8 3 1 24 13
10–11 July PBS 23 37 6 12 9 4 0 9 14
16–22 June CBOS 24 31 6 9 9 3 2 18 7
June Demoskop 19 34 6 15 12 4 - 10 15
19–21 June TNS OBOP 25 34 4 11 8 4 3 11 9
12–13 June PBS 25 37 6 13 9 - - 10 12
29–31 May TNS OBOP 22 34 3 12 8 3 3 15 12
6–12 May CBOS 22 30 4 10 8 3 2 22 8
8–9 May PBS 27 38 6 11 8 3 0 7 11
17–19 April TNS OBOP 25 31 3 13 8 4 3 13 6
8–13 April CBOS 23 28 3 7 11 3 2 22 5
10–11 April PBS 29 36 5 10 7 3 2 8 7
30–31 March TNS OBOP 24 30 6 13 6 5 4 12 6
13–14 March PBS 26 35 6 12 7 3 3 8 9
4–9 March CBOS 22 28 5 9 9 4 2 22 6
6–8 March TNS OBOP 20 33 3 14 11 5 4 10 13
20–22 February TNS OBOP 26 29 5 10 12 3 4 11 3
13–14 February PBS 30 29 6 12 9 - - 14 1
4–9 February CBOS 22 29 7 15 11 3 - 14 7
6–8 February TNS OBOP 25 27 4 14 9 6 - 9 2
30–31 January PBS 29 33 5 13 8 2 - 10 4
23–26 January TNS OBOP 30 29 3 15 12 3 - 8 1
16–17 January PBS 30 32 4 13 9 3 - 9 2
6–12 January CBOS 28 27 7 11 9 2 - 17 1
8–11 January TNS OBOP 29 28 5 14 11 3 - 10 1


Dates of Polling Polling Firm/Link AWS SLD UP UW PSL ROP Others/Undecided Lead
12–13 December PBS 29 31 6 14 8 2 10 2
5–8 December TNS OBOP 31 28 5 13 10 4 9 3
3–8 December CBOS 29 28 6 12 9 3 12 1
21–22 November PBS 33 32 4 13 8 2 8 1
7–10 November TNS OBOP 34 30 3 12 9 3 9 4
5–9 November CBOS 28 30 3 12 8 3 16 2
15–20 October CBOS 38 29 4 7 8 2 11 9
17–18 October PBS 33 32 5 12 6 2 10 1
3–5 October TNS OBOP 31 28 4 11 9 4 13 3
17–22 September CBOS 23 28 8 12 8 4 16 5
19–20 September PBS 29 29 7 12 9 - 14 Tie
5–8 September TNS OBOP 27 31 5 14 7 5 11 4
14–19 August CBOS 25 22 6 13 10 4 19 3
8–17 August TNS OBOP 28 28 5 14 7 5 13 Tie
15–16 August PBS 29.1 28.3 7.1 13.9 5.7 3.8 12.5 0.8
16–21 July CBOS 20 31 9 13 6 3 18 11
18–19 July PBS 30 27 7 15 8 3 10 3
17–23 June CBOS 25 24 8 15 7 3 18 1
20–21 June PBS 33 29 6 14 5 5 8 4
6–9 June TNS OBOP 30 24 7 13 8 6 12 6
20–28 May CBOS 27 27 8 12 6 4 16 Tie
16–17 May PBS 31 31 6 14 3 - 9 Tie
8–11 May TNS OBOP 30 24 6 13 7 6 14 6
16–21 April CBOS 30 24 8 14 8 3 14 6
18–19 April PBS 30 30 9 14 6 - 11 Tie
4–7 April TNS OBOP 27 28 8 12 9 5 11 1
12–17 March CBOS 29 21 6 14 10 5 15 8
14–15 March PBS 32 26 8 16 8 4 6 6
7–10 March TNS OBOP 28 28 5 15 7 4 13 Tie
19–24 February CBOS 32 25 6 15 8 5 9 7
14–15 February PBS 29 29 8 15 6 4 4 Tie
7–10 February TNS OBOP 33 26 7 11 9 4 10 7
February Demoskop 28 25 8 13 6 5 15 3
16–20 January CBOS 28 27 8 15 7 3 11 1
10–13 January TNS OBOP 34 25 7 14 6 4 10 9
10–11 January PBS 32 32 7 14 6 5 4 Tie


Dates of Polling Polling Firm/Link AWS SLD UP UW PSL ROP


Others/Undecided Lead
6–7 December PBS 32 28 7 16 5 4 - 8 4
December TNS OBOP 35 24 8 13 6 4 - 10 11
15–16 November PBS 36 25 6 16 5 4 - 8 11
November TNS OBOP 40 20 4 15 7 4 - 10 20
21 September 1997 Election results 33.8 27.1 4.7 13.4 7.3 5.6 0.1 8 6.7

Seat projections

Date Polling firm AWS SLD UP UW PSL ROP SRP PO PiS LPR MN Others
23 September 2001 Election results 0 216 0 42 2[a] 53 65 44 36[a] 2 0
19–20 September TNS OBOP 0 239 0 60 0 43 69 36 11 2 0
18 September TNS OBOP 0 220 0 64 0 44 79 40 11 2 0
September PBS 34 244 19 43 0 16 74 29 0 1 0
13–14 September TNS OBOP 0 259 0 60 0 10 78 42 9 2 0
8–11 September TNS OBOP 0 279 0 49 0 19 70 41 0 2 0
4 September TNS OBOP 39 271 0 44 0 0 65 39 0 2 0
30 August TNS OBOP 43 250 0 63 0 0 61 41 0 2 0
19–22 August TNS OBOP 43 245 0 60 0 0 69 41 0 2 0
15–16 August TNS OBOP 43 249 0 61 0 0 78 27 0 2 0
2–5 August TNS OBOP 0 270 0 85 0 0 64 41 0 0 0
26–29 July TNS OBOP 0 275 0 64 0 0 80 41 0 0 0
19–22 July TNS OBOP 49 241 0 69 0 0 79 22 0 0 0
7–9 July TNS OBOP 0 229 20 84 0 0 90 37 0 0 0
23–25 June TNS OBOP 0 250 0 64 0 0 103 43 0 0 0
9–11 June TNS OBOP 0 278 0 64 0 0 69 49 0 0 0
26–28 May TNS OBOP 37 215 0 64 w. AWS 0 95 49 0 0 0
20 May OBW 56 234 13 57 0 0 96 0 0 2 0
12–14 May TNS OBOP 43 224 0 85 0 0 108 0 0 0 0
21–23 April TNS OBOP 67 231 12 66 0 0 84 0 0 0 0
24–26 March TNS OBOP 53 234 0 69 0 0 104 0 0 0 0
10–12 March TNS OBOP 44 239 0 63 0 0 102 0 0 0 12
10–12 February TNS OBOP 31 252 0 59 0 0 118 0 0 0 0
21 September 1997 Election results 201 164 0 60 27 6 0 0 0 0 2 0
  1. ^ a b The Movement for Reconstruction of Poland did not run lists in this election, but two of its members were elected from the League of Polish Families' lists.


Date Polling firm SLD UP Senate 2001 PSL SRP LPR Others Lead
23 September 2001 Election results 38,7% 24,3% 13,5% 4,3% 4,1% 15,1% 14,4% over Senate 2001
19–20 September TNS OBOP 43% 25% 12% 10% 7% 3% 18% over Senate 2001
18 September TNS OBOP 43% 25% 12% 8% 7% 5% 18% over Senate 2001
13–14 September TNS OBOP 46% 25% 12% 5% 7% 5% 21% over Senate 2001
8–11 September TNS OBOP 49% 24% 11% 5% 5% 6% 25% over Senate 2001
6–7 September TNS OBOP 46% 24% 15% 3% 6% 6% 22% over Senate 2001
4 September TNS OBOP 49% 22% 15% 2% 5% 7% 27% over Senate 2001

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