For the episode's mini-challenge, the contestants participate in a puppet show, during which they roast (or playfully insult) each other. Jackie Cox wins the mini-challenge.
For the main challenge, the contestants must create and perform in their own one woman show. Following are the shows:
On the main stage, RuPaul welcomes fellow judges as well as guest judge Whoopi Goldberg. The runway category is The Color Purple. Crystal Methyd and Jackie Cox receive positive critiques, and Crystal Methyd wins the challenge. Heidi N Closet, Jaida Essence Hall, and Sherry Pie receive negative critiques, and Sherry Pie is deemed safe. Heidi N Closet and Jaida Essence Hall place in the bottom and face off in a lip-sync contest to "1999" (1982) by Prince. Jaida Essence Hall wins the lip-sync and Heidi N Closet is eliminated from the competition.
Kate Kulzick of The A.V. Club gave the episode a rating of 'B'.[5]