Notre Dame of Cotabato, formerly known as Notre Dame of Cotabato Boys' Department, is a privateMarist, Catholic, and Filipino school run by the Marist Brothers in Cotabato City, Maguindanao, Philippines. It was established in 1948.
On 1941, Emile Boldoc of the Oblate Fathers (OMI) invited the Marist Brothers from the Province of United States to start an educational mission in Mindanao. The school building was already built around 1945 but because of World War II, the planned opening was delayed for a couple of years. After the war, four Marist Brothers namely, Br. Maurus James Doherty, FMS, Br. Herbert Daniel Dumont, FMS, Br. Joseph Damian Teston, FMS, and Br. Peter Leonard Thommen, FMS arrived in Cotabato in 1948.[2] On June 21, 1948, the said four Marist Brothers took over the school from the Oblates, thus becoming the first Marist school in the Philippines.
^Meuten, Paul (2014). "Part A". The Marist Brothers of the Schools in the Philippines: The Mission Period (1941-1960). Marist Province of East Asia. pp. 14–17.