Panda, an Indian filmmaker and entrepreneur, was born in Dasharajpur Village, located in the Subarnapur District of western Odisha, India, as the youngest of five siblings. Panda's education in a rural village posed challenges due to the lack of a proper school building, forcing him to walk 4-9 km daily to get to school. In 1995, after failing to complete his education, Panda relocated to Delhi and found work as a camera attendant, his first experience in the film industry. Panda also studied Entrepreneurship at IIM Bangalore.[5]
Nila Madhab Panda is an Odia director and producer involved in making Hindi films, documentaries, short films and public service advertising campaigns.[6] He has served on the juries of national and international film festivals, such as International Film Festival of India (IFFI).[7] He started his career by assisting director Robin Romanov and producer Barbara Broccoli.
His first feature film I Am Kalam won 34 international awards along with a national award.[8][9] His second feature film Jalpari (Desert Mermaid) received the MIP Junior award at Cannes.[10] His project Kadvi Hawa (Dark wind) was critically acclaimed and received a national award.[11][12] This is one of the first films that brought climate change into Indian cinema.[citation needed] His feature-length documentary God's own people narrated by Amitabh Bachchan connects between people's faith with tree and God.[13]
Halkaa (Relief), a musical film with children, narrates a story about the Swachhata Abhiyaan (Clean India Mission) and the importance of sanitation. It won Best Film at the Grand Prix in Poland.[14] In February 2021, Panda announced that his First Odia language film Kalira Atita had been submitted to the Oscars 2021 in the General Category and was available for Academy screening.[15] However, the film did not make the cut for Oscar nominations.[16]
Jalpari won MIP Junior award for best film, 2012, Cannes[10]
Viewers' Choice award at IFFLA, 2011
Best Feature Film (I am Kalam) in Chicago International Children's Film Festival, 2011[27]
People's Choice Award at the Montreal International Children's Film Festival, 2011[citation needed]
Best Feature Film award at Silent River Film Festival (SRFF), California, 2011[citation needed]
Best Director award at Silent River Film Festival (SRFF), California, 2011[citation needed]
Winner of the Don Quixote Prize of the International Cine Club Federations at the Lucas International Film Festival, Germany, 2010[28]
Winner of "Best feature film" at the Lucas International Film Festival, Frankfurt 2010[28]
"Special Jury mention" CineKid International Film Festivals 2010[citation needed]
"International Jury's Special Mention" at the Ale Kino International Film Festival, Poland 2010[citation needed]
Bronze Cairo for Best Feature at Cairo International Film Festival for Children, Cairo, 2012[citation needed]
The Prize of the International Center of Films For Children & Young People (CIFEJ) at the Cairo International Film Festival for Children, Cairo, 2012[citation needed]
Winner of "Best feature film" from the Indian Panorama by the Young Jury at the 41st International, Film Festival of India 2010[citation needed]
Best Debut Director – Aravindam Purashkaram, 2011[29]
Golden Elephant Award for the Best Screenplay at 17th International Children's Film Festival, India,2011[citation needed]
Best Feature Film in CMS International Film Festival, 2011[citation needed]
"Audience Favorite choice" at the Barbican London Children Film Festival 2010[citation needed]
Audience Favorite at Barbican London Children's Film Festival, 2011[citation needed]
Best Feature Film, Dream Fest – Slatina, 2012[citation needed]
Best Film (Halkaa) at the Grand Prix in Poland, 2018[14]