The origin of the word lies with the Latin adjective niger ([ˈnɪɡɛr]), meaning "black".[2][3] It was initially seen as a relatively neutral term, essentially synonymous with the English word negro. Early attested uses during the Atlantic slave trade (16th–19th century) often conveyed a merely patronizing attitude. The word took on a derogatory connotation from the mid-18th century onward, and "degenerated into an overt slur" by the middle of the 19th century. Some authors still used the term in a neutral sense up until the later part of the 20th century, at which point the use of nigger became increasingly controversial regardless of its context or intent.[2][3][4]
Because the word nigger has historically "wreaked symbolic violence, often accompanied by physical violence", it began to disappear from general popular culture from the second half of the 20th century onward, with the exception of cases derived from intra-group usage such as hip hop culture.[3] The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary describes the term as "perhaps the most offensive and inflammatory racial slur in English".[3] The Oxford English Dictionary writes that "this word is one of the most controversial in English, and is liable to be considered offensive or taboo in almost all contexts (even when used as a self-description)".[2] At the trial of O. J. Simpson, prosecutor Christopher Darden referred to it as "the filthiest, dirtiest, nastiest word in the English language".[5] Intra-group usage has been criticized by some contemporary Black American authors, a group of them (the eradicationists) calling for the total abandonment of its usage (even under the variant nigga), which they see as contributing to the "construction of an identity founded on self-hate".[3][6][7][8] In wider society, the inclusion of the word nigger in classic works of literature (as in Mark Twain's 1884 book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn) and in more recent cultural productions (such as Quentin Tarantino's 1994 film Pulp Fiction and 2012 film Django Unchained) has sparked controversy and ongoing debate.[6][8]
The word nigger has also been historically used to designate "any person considered to be of low social status" (as in the expression white nigger) or "any person whose behavior is regarded as reprehensible". In some cases, with awareness of the word's offensive connotation, but without intention to cause offense, it can refer to a "victim of prejudice likened to that endured by African-Americans" (as in John Lennon's 1972 song "Woman Is the Nigger of the World").[2]
The variants neger and negar derive from various Romance words for 'black', including the Spanish and Portuguese word negro ('black') and the now-pejorative French nègre. Etymologically, negro, noir, nègre, and nigger ultimately derive from nigrum, the stem of the Latinniger ('black').
In its original English-language usage, nigger (also spelled niger) was a word for a dark-skinned individual. The earliest known published use of the term dates from 1574, in a work alluding to "the Nigers of Aethiop, bearing witnes".[9] According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the first derogatory usage of the term nigger was recorded two centuries later, in 1775.[10]
During the late 18th and early 19th century, the word "nigger" also described an actual labor category, which African American laborers adopted for themselves as a social identity, and thus white people used the descriptor word as a distancing or derogatory epithet, as if "quoting black people" and their non-standard language.[14] During the early 1800s to the late 1840s fur trade in the Western United States, the word was spelled "niggur", and is often recorded in the literature of the time. George Fredrick Ruxton used it in his "mountain man" lexicon, without pejorative connotation. "Niggur" was evidently similar to the modern use of "dude" or "guy". This passage from Ruxton's Life in the Far West illustrates the word in spoken form—the speaker here referring to himself: "Travler, marm, this niggur's no travler; I ar' a trapper, marm, a mountain-man, wagh!"[15] It was not used as a term exclusively for blacks among mountain men during this period, as Indians, Mexicans, and Frenchmen and Anglos alike could be a "niggur".[16] "The noun slipped back and forth from derogatory to endearing."[17]
The term "colored" or "negro" became a respectful alternative. In 1851, the Boston Vigilance Committee, an abolitionist organization, posted warnings to the Colored People of Boston and vicinity. Writing in 1904, journalist Clifton Johnson documented the "opprobrious" character of the word nigger, emphasizing that it was chosen in the South precisely because it was more offensive than "colored" or "negro".[19] By the turn of the century, "colored" had become sufficiently mainstream that it was chosen as the racial self-identifier for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). In 2008 Carla Sims, its communications director, said "the term 'colored' is not derogatory, [the NAACP] chose the word 'colored' because it was the most positive description commonly used [in 1909, when the association was founded]. It's outdated and antiquated but not offensive."[20]
Mark Twain, in the autobiographic book Life on the Mississippi (1883), used the term within quotes, indicating reported speech, but used the term "negro" when writing in his own narrative persona.[21]Joseph Conrad published a novella in Britain with the title The Nigger of the "Narcissus" (1897); in the United States, it was released as The Children of the Sea: A Tale of the Forecastle; the original had been called "the ugliest conceivable title" in a British review[22] and American reviewers understood the change as reflecting American "refinement" and "prudery."[23]
A style guide to British English usage, H.W. Fowler's A Dictionary of Modern English Usage, states in the first edition (1926) that applying the word nigger to "others than full or partial negroes" is "felt as an insult by the person described, & betrays in the speaker, if not deliberate insolence, at least a very arrogant inhumanity"; but the second edition (1965) states "N. has been described as 'the term that carries with it all the obloquy and contempt and rejection which whites have inflicted on blacks'".[24] The quoted formula goes back to the writings of the American journalist Harold R. Isaacs, who used it in several writings between 1963 and 1975.[25] Black characters in Nella Larsen's 1929 novel Passing view its use as offensive; one says "I'm really not such an idiot that I don't realize that if a man calls me a nigger, it's his fault the first time, but mine if he has the opportunity to do it again."[26]
By the late 1960s, the social change brought about by the civil rights movement had legitimized the racial identity word black as mainstream American English usage to denote black-skinned Americans of African ancestry. President Thomas Jefferson had used this word of his slaves in his Notes on the State of Virginia (1785), but "black" had not been widely used until the later 20th century. (See black pride, and, in the context of worldwide anti-colonialism initiatives, Négritude.)
In the 1980s, the term "African American" was advanced analogously to such terms as "German American" and "Irish American", and was adopted by major media outlets. Moreover, as a compound word, African American resembles the vogue wordAfro-American, an early-1970s popular usage. Some Black Americans continue to use the word nigger, often spelled as nigga and niggah, without irony, either to neutralize the word's impact or as a sign of solidarity.[27]
Surveys from 2006 showed that the American public widely perceived usage of the term to be wrong or unacceptable, but that nearly half of whites and two-thirds of blacks knew someone personally who referred to blacks by the term.[28] Nearly one-third of whites and two-thirds of blacks said they had personally used the term within the last five years.[28]
Historical American cartoon titled "Why the nigger is not fit to vote", by Thomas Nast, arguing the reason Democrats objected to African-Americans having the vote was that, in the 1868 US presidential election, African-Americans voted for the Republican candidates Ulysses S. Grant and Schuyler Colfax. "Seymour friends meet here" in the background is a reference to the Democratic Party candidate: Horatio Seymour.
In explaining his refusal to be conscripted to fight the Vietnam War (1955–75), professional boxer Muhammad Ali said, "No Vietcong ever called me nigger."[31] Later, his modified answer was the title of a documentary, No Vietnamese Ever Called Me Nigger (1968), about the front-line lot of the U.S. Army black soldier in combat in Vietnam.[32] An Ali biographer reports that, when interviewed by Robert Lipsyte in 1966, the boxer actually said, "I ain't got no quarrel with them Viet Cong."[33]
On February 28, 2007, the New York City Council symbolically banned the use of the word nigger; however, there is no penalty for using it. This formal resolution also requests excluding from Grammy Award consideration every song whose lyrics contain the word; however, Ron Roecker, vice president of communication for the Recording Academy, doubted it will have any effect on actual nominations.[34][35]
The word can be invoked politically for effect. When Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick came under intense scrutiny for his conduct in 2008, he deviated from an address to the city council, saying, "In the past 30 days, I've been called a nigger more than any time in my entire life." Opponents accused him of "playing the race card" to save his political life.[36]
The implicit racism of the word nigger has generally rendered its use taboo. Magazines and newspapers typically do not use this word but instead print censored versions such as "n*gg*r", "n**ger", "n——" or "the N-word";[37] see below.
The use of nigger in older literature has become controversial because of the word's modern meaning as a racist insult. One of the most enduring controversies has been the word's use in Mark Twain's novel Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885). Huckleberry Finn was the fifth most challenged book during the 1990s, according to the American Library Association.[38] The novel is written from the point of view, and largely in the language, of an uneducated white boy, who is drifting down the Mississippi River on a raft with an adult escaped slave, Jim. The word "nigger" is used (mostly about Jim) over 200 times.[39][40] Twain's advocates note that the novel is composed in then-contemporary vernacular usage, not racist stereotype, because Jim, the black man, is a sympathetic character.
In 2011, a new edition published by NewSouth Books replaced the word nigger with slave and also removed the word injun. The change was spearheaded by Twain scholar Alan Gribben in the hope of "countering the 'pre-emptive censorship'" that results from the book's being removed from school curricula over language concerns.[41][42] The changes sparked outrage from critics Elon James, Alexandra Petri and Chris Meadows.[43]
Of course, no one considered himself a nigger. It was always something you called someone who could be considered anything less than you. I soon found out there were a few black families living in Old Colony. They'd lived there for years and everyone said that they were okay, that they weren't niggers but just black. It felt good to all of us to not be as bad as the hopeless people in D Street or, God forbid, the ones in Columbia Point, who were both black and niggers. But now I was jealous of the kids in Old Harbor Project down the road, which seemed like a step up from Old Colony...
In an academic setting
The word's usage in literature has led to it being a point of discussion in university lectures as well. In 2008, Arizona State University English professor Neal A. Lester created what has been called "the first ever college-level class designed to explore the word 'nigger'".[45] Starting in the following decade, colleges struggled with attempts to teach material about the slur in a sensitive manner. In 2012, a sixth grade Chicago teacher Lincoln Brown was suspended after repeating the contents of a racially charged note being passed around in class. Brown later filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the headmaster and the Chicago public schools.[46] A New Orleans high school also experienced controversy in 2017.[47] Such increased attention prompted Elizabeth Stordeur Pryor, the daughter of Richard Pryor and a professor at Smith College, to give a talk opining that the word was leading to a "social crisis" in higher education.[48]
In addition to Smith College, Emory University, Augsburg University, Southern Connecticut State University, and Simpson College all suspended professors in 2019 over referring to the word "nigger" by name in classroom settings.[49][50][51] In two other cases, a professor at Princeton decided to stop teaching a course on hate speech after students protested his utterance of "nigger" and a professor at DePaul had his law course cancelled after 80% of the enrolled students transferred out.[52][53] Instead of pursuing disciplinary action, a student at the College of the Desert challenged his professor in a viral class presentation which argued that her use of the word in a lecture was not justified.[54]
In the workplace
In 2018, the head of the media company Netflix, Reed Hastings, fired his chief communications officer, Jonathan Friedland, for using the word twice during internal discussions about sensitive words.[55] In explaining why, Hastings wrote:
[The word's use] in popular media like music and film have created some confusion as to whether or not there is ever a time when the use of the N-word is acceptable. For non-Black people, the word should not be spoken as there is almost no context in which it is appropriate or constructive (even when singing a song or reading a script). There is not a way to neutralize the emotion and history behind the word in any context. The use of the phrase 'N-word' was created as a euphemism, and the norm, with the intention of providing an acceptable replacement and moving people away from using the specific word. When a person violates this norm, it creates resentment, intense frustration, and great offense for many.[56]
The following year, screenwriter Walter Mosley turned down a job after his human resources department took issue with him using the word to describe racism that he experienced as a black man.[57]
While defending Laurie Sheck, a professor who was cleared of ethical violations for quoting I Am Not Your Negro by James Baldwin, John McWhorter wrote that efforts to condemn racist language by white Americans had undergone mission creep.[58] Similar controversies outside the United States have occurred at the University of Western Ontario in Canada and the Madrid campus of Syracuse University.[59][60] In June 2020, Canadian news host Wendy Mesley was suspended and replaced with a guest host after she attended a meeting on racial justice and, in the process of quoting a journalist, used "a word that no-one like me should ever use".[61] In August 2020, BBC news, with the agreement of victim and family, mentioned the slur when reporting on a physical and verbal assault on the black NHS worker and musician K-Dogg. Within the week the BBC received over 18,600 complaints, the black radio host David Whitely resigned in protest, and the BBC apologized.[62]
In 2021, in Tampa, Florida, a 27-year-old black employee at a Dunkin' Donuts punched a 77-year-old white customer after the customer had repeatedly called the employee a nigger.[63] The customer fell to the floor and hit his head. Three days later, he died, having suffered a skull fracture and brain contusions. The employee was arrested, and charged with manslaughter. In a plea bargain, the employee pled guilty to felonybattery, and was sentenced to two years of house arrest. In 2022, in explaining why the employee did not receive any jail time, Grayson Kamm, a spokesman for Hillsborough State Attorney Andrew Warren, said "Two of the primary factors were the aggressive approach the victim took toward the defendant and everyone working with the defendant, and that the victim repeatedly used possibly the most aggressive and offensive term in the English language."[64]
Black listeners often react to the term differently, depending on whether it is used by white speakers or by black speakers. In the former case, it is regularly understood as insensitive or insulting; in the latter, it may carry notes of in-group disparagement, or it may be understood as neutral or affectionate, a possible instance of reappropriation.[65]
In the black community, nigger is often rendered as nigga. This usage has been popularized by the rap and hip-hop music cultures and is used as part of an in-group lexicon and speech. It is not necessarily derogatory and is often used to mean homie or friend.[66]
Acceptance of intra-group usage of the word nigga is still debated,[66] although it has established a foothold amongst younger generations. The NAACP denounces the use of both nigga and nigger. Usage of nigga by mixed-race individuals is still largely considered taboo,[a] albeit not as inflammatory as nigger. As of 2001, trends indicated that usage of the term in intragroup settings is increasing even amongst white youth, due to the popularity of rap and hip hop culture.[67] Linguist Keith Allan rejects the view that nigger is always a slur, arguing that it is also used as a marker of camaraderie and friendship, comparable to the British and Australian term "mate" or the American "buddy".[68]
According to Arthur K. Spears in Diverse Issues in Higher Education, 2006:
In many African-American neighborhoods, nigga is simply the most common term used to refer to any male, of any race or ethnicity. Increasingly, the term has been applied to any person, male or female. "Where y'all niggas goin?" is said with no self-consciousness or animosity to a group of women, for the routine purpose of obtaining information. The point: nigga is evaluatively neutral in terms of its inherent meaning; it may express positive, neutral, or negative attitudes;[69]
Kevin Cato, meanwhile, observes:
For instance, a show on Black Entertainment Television, a cable network aimed at a Black audience, described the word nigger as a "term of endearment". "In the African American community, the word nigga. (not nigger) brings out feelings of pride." (Davis1). Here the word evokes a sense of community and oneness among Black people. Many teens I interviewed felt the word had no power when used amongst friends, but when used among white people the word took on a completely different meaning. In fact, comedian Alex Thomas on BET stated, "I still better not hear no white boy say that to me... I hear a white boy say that to me, it means 'White boy, you gonna get your ass beat.'"[70]
There's a certain rhythmic seduction to the word. If you speak in a sentence, and you have to say cat, companion, or friend, as opposed to nigger, then the rhythmic presentation is off. That rhythmic language is a form of historical memory for Black people... When Richard Pryor came back from Africa, and decided to stop using the word onstage, he would sometimes start to slip up, because he was so used to speaking that way. It was the right word at the moment to keep the rhythm together in his sentence making.[71]
2010s: increase in use and controversy
In the 2010s, "nigger" in its various forms saw use with increasing frequency by African Americans amongst themselves or in self-expression, the most common swear word in hip hop music lyrics.[72][73]Ta-Nehisi Coates suggested that it continues to be unacceptable for non-blacks to utter while singing or rapping along to hip-hop, and that by being so restrained it gives white Americans (specifically) an impression of what it is like to not be entitled to "do anything they please, anywhere". A concern often raised is whether frequent exposure will inevitably lead to a dilution of the extremely negative perception of the word among the majority of non-black Americans who currently consider its use unacceptable and shocking.[74]
Related words
Anti-abolitionist cartoon from the 1860 presidential campaign illustrating colloquial usage of "Nigger in the woodpile"
In several English-speaking countries, "Niggerhead" or "nigger head" was used as a name for many sorts of things, including commercial products, places, plants and animals, as a descriptive term (lit. 'black person's head'). It also is or was a colloquial technical term in industry, mining, and seafaring. Nigger as "defect" (a hidden problem), derives from "nigger in the woodpile", a US slave-era phrase denoting escaped slaves hiding in train-transported woodpiles.[75] In the 1840s, the Morning Chronicle newspaper report series London Labour and the London Poor, by Henry Mayhew, records the usages of both "nigger" and the similar-sounding word "niggard" denoting a false bottom for a grate.[76]
In American English, "nigger lover" initially applied to abolitionists, then to white people sympathetic towards black Americans.[77] The portmanteau word wigger ('White' + 'nigger') denotes a white person emulating "street Black behavior", hoping to gain acceptance to the hip hop, thug, and gangsta sub-cultures. Norman Mailer wrote of the antecedents of this phenomenon in 1957 in his essay The White Negro.
The prosecutor [Christopher Darden], his voice trembling, added that the "N-word" was so vile he would not utter it. "It's the filthiest, dirtiest, nastiest word in the English language."
One of the first uses of the N-wordeuphemism by a major public figure came during the racially contentious O. J. Simpson murder case in 1995. Key prosecution witness Detective Mark Fuhrman, of the Los Angeles Police Department—who denied using racist language on duty—impeached himself with his prolific use of nigger in tape recordings about his police work. Co-prosecutor Christopher Darden refused to say the actual word, calling it "the filthiest, dirtiest, nastiest word in the English language". Media personnel who reported on Fuhrman's testimony substituted the N-word for nigger.[80][81]
Similar-sounding words
Niger (Latin for "black") occurs in Latinate scientific nomenclature and is the root word for some homophones of nigger; sellers of niger seed (used as bird feed), sometimes use the spelling Nyjer seed. The classical Latin pronunciation/ˈniɡeɾ/ sounds similar to the English /ˈnɪɡər/, occurring in biologic and anatomic names, such as Hyoscyamus niger (black henbane), and even for animals that are in fact not black, such as Sciurus niger (fox squirrel).
Nigra is the Latin feminine form of niger (black), used in biologic and anatomic names such as substantia nigra (black substance).
The word niggardly (miserly) is etymologically unrelated to nigger, derived from the Old Norse word nig (stingy) and the Middle English word nigon. In the US, this word has been misinterpreted as related to nigger and taken as offensive. In January 1999, David Howard, a white Washington, D.C., city employee, was compelled to resign after using niggardly—in a financial context—while speaking with black colleagues, who took umbrage. After reviewing the misunderstanding, Mayor Anthony A. Williams offered to reinstate Howard to his former position. Howard refused reinstatement but took a job elsewhere in the mayor's government.[82]
Spanish: Negro [ˈne.ɣ̞ɾo] is the Spanish word for black, and is commonly a part of place names and proper names, particularly in the Southwest of the United States.
The denotations of nigger also include non-black/non-white and other disadvantaged people. Some of these terms are self-chosen, to identify with the oppression and resistance of black Americans; others are ethnic slurs used by outsiders.
Jerry Farber's 1967 essay collection, The Student as Nigger, used the word as a metaphor for what he saw as the role forced on students. Farber had been, at the time, frequently arrested as a civil rights activist while beginning his career as a literature professor.
In 1969, in the course of being interviewed by the British magazine Nova, artist Yoko Ono said "woman is the nigger of the world;" three years later, her husband, John Lennon, published the song of the same name—about the worldwide phenomenon of discrimination against women—which was socially and politically controversial to US sensibilities.
Sand nigger, an ethnic slur against Arabs, and timber nigger and prairie nigger, ethnic slurs against Native Americans, are examples of the racist extension of nigger upon other non-white peoples.[84]
In 1978, singer Patti Smith used the word in "Rock N Roll Nigger". One year later in 1979, English singer Elvis Costello used the phrase "white nigger" in his song "Oliver's Army". The slur usually remains uncensored on radio stations, but Costello's usage of the word came under scrutiny, particularly after he used racial slurs during a drunken argument with Stephen Stills and Bonnie Bramlett in 1979. In the same year, Costello's father published a letter in Rolling Stone defending his son against accusations of racism, stating "Nothing could be further from the truth. My own background has meant that I am passionately opposed to any form of prejudice based on religion or race... His mother comes from the tough multiracial area of Liverpool, and I think she would still beat the tar out of him if his orthodoxy were in doubt".[85]
Historian Eugene Genovese, noted for bringing a Marxist perspective to the study of power, class, and relations between planters and slaves in the South, uses the word pointedly in The World the Slaveholders Made (1988).
For reasons common to the slave condition all slave classes displayed a lack of industrial initiative and produced the famous Lazy Nigger, who under Russian serfdom and elsewhere was white. Just as not all Blacks, even under the most degrading forms of slavery, consented to become niggers, so by no means all or even most of the niggers in history have been Black.
Other languages, particularly Romance languages, have words that sound similar to or share etymological roots with nigger but do not necessarily mean the same. In some of these languages, the words refer to the color black in general and are not specifically used to refer to black people. When used to refer to black people, these words have acquired varying degrees of offensiveness, ranging from completely neutral (as in Spanishnegro) to highly racist (as in FinnishNeekeri). Examples of related words in other languages include:
Bulgarian: Негър (negar), loaned from French nègre, is considered a neutral word for black people in Bulgaria. Some publications and institutions use чернокож or тъмнокож, but the use of негър is more widespread.
Dutch: Neger ('negro') used to be neutral, but many now consider it to be avoided in favor of zwarte ('black').[87][88][89][90]Zwartje ('little black one') can be amicably or offensively used. Nikker is always pejorative.[91]
Finnish: Neekeri ('negro/nigger'), as a loan word ('Neger') from the Swedish language appeared for the first time in a book published in 1771.[92] The use of the Finnish equivalent ('neekeri') began in the late 19th century. Until the 1980s, it was commonly used and generally not yet considered derogatory, although a few instances of it being considered to be so have been documented since the 1950s; by the mid-1990s the word was considered racist, especially in the metropolitan area and among the younger population.[93] It has since then usually been replaced by the metonym 'musta' ('black [person]').[94] In a survey conducted in 2000, Finnish respondents considered the term 'Neekeri' to be among the most offensive of minority designations.[95]
French: Nègre is now considered derogatory. Although Nègre littéraire was the standard term for a ghostwriter, it has largely been supplanted by prête-plume. Some white Frenchmen have the surname Nègre. The word can still be used as a synonym of "sweetheart" in some traditional Louisiana French creole songs.
German: Neger is dated and now considered offensive. Schwarze/-r ('black [person]') or Farbige/-r ("colored [person]") is more neutral.
Haitian Creole: nèg is used for any man in general, regardless of skin color (like dude in American English). Haitian Creole derives predominantly from French.
Italian has three variants: negro, nero and di colore. The first one is the most historically attested and was the most commonly used until the 1960s as an equivalent of the English word "negro". It was gradually felt as offensive during the 1970s and replaced with nero and di colore. Nero was considered a better translation of the English word black, while di colore is a loan translation of the English word colored.[96]
Portuguese: Negro (as well as preto) is neutral;[97] nevertheless preto can be offensive or at least "politically incorrect" and is almost never proudly used by Afro-Brazilians. Crioulo and macaco are always extremely pejorative.[98]
Russian: the word негр (negr) has been commonly used as neutral word to describe black people until recent years. It can also be used as a synonym for underpaid worker, "литературный негр" (literaturny negr) means ghostwriter.[100][101][102] Nowadays, a black person would often be described neutrally as "чернокожий" (chernokozhij, 'black-skinned'), though the organization Help Needed instead recommends "темнокожий" (temnokozhij, 'dark-skinned').[103]
Spanish: Negro is the word for "black" and is the only way to refer to that color.[104]
^Whether this usage is considered acceptable may depend on a sense of the speaker's in-group belonging, as judged by the speaker him- or herself, the listener(s), or others.
^"Google Ngram". Google Ngram. Archived from the original on January 18, 2024. Retrieved January 18, 2024.
^Johnson, Clifton (October 14, 1904). "They Are Only "Niggers" in the South". The Seattle Republican. Seattle, Wash.: Republican Pub. Co. Archived from the original on July 21, 2011. Retrieved January 23, 2011.
^Henry W. Fowler, Ernest Gowers: A Dictionary of Modern English Usage. Oxford University Press, 1965. Compare the entry "nigger (n.)"Archived April 26, 2021, at the Wayback Machine, in: Online etymology dictionary.
^Harold R. Isaacs in: Encounter, vol. 21, 1963, p. 9 (Google Books). Compare Harold R. Isaacs: Idols of the Tribe: Group Identity and Political Change. Harvard University Press, 1989, p. 88 (Google BooksArchived March 31, 2023, at the Wayback Machine).
^Brontsema, Robin (June 1, 2004). "A Queer Revolution: Reconceptualizing the Debate Over Linguistic Reclamation". Colorado Research in Linguistics. 17 (1). doi:10.25810/dky3-zq57. ISSN1937-7029. Linguistic reclamation, also known as linguistic resignification or reappropriation, refers to the appropriation of a pejorative epithet by its target(s).
^Aldridge, Kevin; Thompson, Richelle; Winston, Earnest (August 5, 2001). "The evolving N-word". The Cincinnati Enquirer. Archived from the original on January 10, 2013. Retrieved October 14, 2011.
^Allan, Keith (November 2015). "When is a slur not a slur? The use of nigger in 'Pulp Fiction'". Language Sciences. 52: 187–199. doi:10.1016/j.langsci.2015.03.001.
^McManus, Ross (June 14, 1979). "Elvis Costello". Rolling Stone. New York City.
^G'Zell, Otter (2009). Green Egg Omelette: An Anthology of Art and Articles from the Legendary Pagan Journal. New Page Books. p. 209. ISBN978-1601630469.
^Van Dale, Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse taal, 2010
^Jussila, Raimo (1998). Vanhat sanat: Vanhan kirjasuomen ensiesiintymiä (in Finnish). Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura / Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskus. pp. 170, 365. ISBN951-746-008-2.
^Pietikäinen, Sari (2002). "Etniset vähemmistöt uutisissa". In Raittila, Pentti (ed.). Etnisyys ja rasismi journalismissa. Tampere: Tampere University Press. pp. 25–26. ISBN951-44-5486-3. Archived from the original on April 17, 2021. Retrieved December 26, 2020.
^Tervonen, Satu (2001). "Etnisten nimitysten eri sävyt". Kielikello (in Finnish) (1/2001). Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskus. Archived from the original on December 4, 2019. Retrieved December 26, 2020.
"nigger". The Oxford English Dictionary (2nd ed.). 1989.
Fuller, Neely Jr. (1984). The United Independent Compensatory Code/System/Concept: A Textbook/Workbook for Thought, Speech, and/or Action, for Victims of Racism (white supremacy). ASIN B000BVZW38.
تعتمد هذه المقالة اعتماداً كاملاً أو شبه كامل على مصدر وحيد. فضلاً، ساهم في تحسين هذه المقالة بإضافة مصادر إضافية لضمان وجهة النظر المحايدة. (ديسمبر 2018) أمير وزيري معلومات شخصية الميلاد 5 فبراير 1978 (العمر 45 سنة)إيران مركز اللعب مهاجم الجنسية إيران المسيرة الاحترافية1 سنو...
Events at the2007 World ChampionshipsTrack events100 mmenwomen200 mmenwomen400 mmenwomen800 mmenwomen1500 mmenwomen5000 mmenwomen10,000 mmenwomen100 m hurdleswomen110 m hurdlesmen400 m hurdlesmenwomen3000 msteeplechasemenwomen4 × 100 m relaymenwomen4 × 400 m relaymenwomenRoad eventsMarathonmenwomen20 km walkmenwomen50 km walkmenField eventsHigh jumpmenwomenPole vaultmenwomenLong jumpmenwomenTriple jumpmenwomenShot putmenwomenDiscus throwmenwomenHammer throwmenwomenJavelin throwmenwomenCombi...
هذه المقالة يتيمة إذ تصل إليها مقالات أخرى قليلة جدًا. فضلًا، ساعد بإضافة وصلة إليها في مقالات متعلقة بها. (نوفمبر 2023) تشوي جونج يون معلومات شخصية الميلاد 9 مايو 1977 (46 سنة) سول مواطنة كوريا الجنوبية الحياة العملية المدرسة الأم جامعة تشونغ انغ المهنة ممثلة،
Lansdowne Road.Paul O'Connell avec l'équipe d'Irlande. Le rugby à XV est un sport populaire qui fait partie de la culture nationale de l'Irlande même si ce sport est en concurrence avec les sports gaéliques (camogie, football gaélique, handball gaélique, hurling et rounders) et le football. L'Irish Rugby Football Union (IRFU), créée en 1874, a la charge d'organiser et de développer le rugby à XV en Irlande. Elle gère l'équipe d'Irlande de rugby à XV et possède certains stades ir...
Hjalmar Branting Hjalmar Branting; Porträt von Richard Bergh Karl Hjalmar Branting (* 23. November 1860 in Stockholm; † 24. Februar 1925 ebenda) war schwedischer Politiker, Reichstagsabgeordneter und mehrfach Ministerpräsident für Kurzzeitregierungen in den Jahren 1920 bis 1925. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Werke 3 Literatur 4 Einzelnachweise 5 Weblinks Leben Hjalmar Branting kam aus einer großbürgerlichen Familie in Stockholm. Schon während seiner Gymnasialzeit kam Branting mit marxi...
Châtillon-Saint-Jean Gemeente in Frankrijk Situering Regio Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Departement Drôme (26) Arrondissement Valence Kanton Romans-sur-Isère Coördinaten 45° 5′ NB, 5° 8′ OL Algemeen Oppervlakte 8,82 km² Inwoners (1 januari 2020) 1.294[1] (147 inw./km²) Hoogte 192 - 343 m Overig Postcode 26750 INSEE-code 26087 Foto's Gemeentehuis Portaal Frankrijk Châtillon-Saint-Jean is een gemeente in het Franse departement Drôme (regio Auvergne-Rhône-Alp...
The Sydney Metropolitan Bus Service Contracts are contracts issued by the Government of New South Wales to metropolitan bus operators in Sydney, Australia, to operate its public bus route network. Since 2005, the government has moved from individual contracts with operators to larger contract regions, leading to the consolidation of bus operators. History State Transit Custom Coaches bodied Volvo B7RLE at Circular Quay in June 2014 in Transport for NSW livery Forest Coach Lines Custom Coaches...
Taluk of Kanchipuram district of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu Sriperumbudur taluk is a taluk of Kanchipuram district of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. The headquarters of the taluk is the town of Sriperumbudur. Demographics According to the 2011 census, the taluk of Sriperumbudur had a population of 486,063 with 246,416 males and 239,647 females. There were 973 women for every 1000 men. The taluk had a literacy rate of 74.56. Child population in the age group below 6 was 25,962 Males and 2...
Trepadeira-azul Sitta europaea cisalpina Canto Estado de conservação Pouco preocupante (IUCN 3.1) [1] Classificação científica Reino: Animalia Filo: Chordata Classe: Aves Ordem: Passeriformes Família: Sittidae Género: Sitta Espécie: S. europaea Nome binomial Sitta europaeaLinnaeus, 1758 Distribuição geográfica Em verde sua área de distribuição A Trepadeira-azul (nome científico: Sitta europaea) é uma espécie de ave da família das trepadeiras (Sittidae). É encontrado na regi...
Norwegian language writing conventions This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Norwegian orthography – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (January 2021) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Teaching the Norwegian letters Æ, Ø and Å Norwegian alphabet Norwegian speaker reci...
2006 video gameSamurai Champloo: SidetrackedNorth American box artDeveloper(s)Grasshopper ManufacturePublisher(s)Namco Bandai GamesDirector(s)Goichi SudaProducer(s)Takahiro SasanoiYoshinobu MatsuoArtist(s)Akihiko IshizakaWriter(s)Goichi SudaMasahi OokaComposer(s)Masafumi TakadaPlatform(s)PlayStation 2ReleaseJP: February 23, 2006NA: April 11, 2006Genre(s)Action-adventureMode(s)Single-player, multiplayer Samurai Champloo: Sidetracked[a] is a 2006 action-adventure game. A tie-in with the...
Fariz RM & Dian PP in Collaboration withAlbum kompilasiDirilis14 Oktober 2014GenrePop, jazz, R&BDurasi52:52LabelTarget PopSwara Sangkar EmasProduserSeno M. Hardjo Fariz RM & Dian PP in Collaboration with adalah album kompilasi dari penyanyi Fariz R.M. dan Dian Pramana Poetra yang dirilis pada tahun 2014 di bawah label Target Pop. Album ini berisi tiga belas lagu dari kedua musisi yang didaur ulang oleh berbagai penyanyi. Daftar lagu No.JudulLirikPenampilDurasi1.Kau Seputih Melati ...
Resolusi 1395Dewan Keamanan PBBLiberiaTanggal27 Februari 2002Sidang no.4.481KodeS/RES/1395 (Dokumen)TopikSituasi di LiberiaRingkasan hasil15 mendukungTidak ada menentangTidak ada abstainHasilDiadopsiKomposisi Dewan KeamananAnggota tetap Tiongkok Prancis Rusia Britania Raya Amerika SerikatAnggota tidak tetap Bulgaria Kamerun Kolombia Guinea Irlandia Meksiko Mauritius Norwegia Singapura Syria Resolusi 1395 Dewa...
BaabulSutradara Ravi Chopra Produser B. R. Chopra Ditulis olehPemeranAmitabh BachchanHema MaliniSalman KhanRani MukerjiJohn AbrahamOm PuriPenata musikAadesh ShrivastavSinematograferBarun MukherjeeDistributorB. R. FilmsTanggal rilis8 Desember 2006Durasi169 menitNegara India Bahasa Hindi Baabul (Hindi: बाबुल, Urdu: بابُل, Indonesia: Dampak ayah pada putrinya) adalah sebuah film drama Bollywood 2006 yang disutradarai oleh Ravi Chopra. Film tersebut dibintangi oleh Amitabh Ba...
High-altitude basin in Colorado and New Mexico in the United States Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve in Colorado sits directly west of the Sangre de Cristo Range, which is featured in the background. The San Luis Valley is a region in south-central Colorado with a small portion overlapping into New Mexico. The valley is approximately 122 miles (196 km) long and 74 miles (119 km) wide, extending from the Continental Divide on the northwest rim into New Mexico on the south....
For other uses, see Ishara (disambiguation). Tutelary goddess of Ebla IsharaTutelary deity of Ebla, goddess of love, oaths and divinationA possible depiction of Ishara from Yazılıkaya.Major cult centerEbla, Mane, Alalakh, Emar, Išur, Artanya, Tauriša, NerišaSymbolsbašmu, later scorpionFestivalskissu, zukru, ḫišuwa [de]Personal informationParentsEnlil and ApantuSpouseusually none, rarely Saggar (in An = Anum)EquivalentsMesopotamian equivalentIshtar Ishara (Išḫara) was ...
State owned commercial bank in Sri Lanka People's BankPeople's Bank logo since 2017TypeGovernment-owned corporationIndustryFinanceFounded1961; 62 years ago (1961)HeadquartersNo. 75, Sir Chittampalam A. Gardiner Mawatha, Colombo, Sri LankaNumber of locations 741 branches (2020)[1]Area servedSri LankaKey peopleMr. Sujeewa Rajapakse(Chairman)Mr. Clive Fonseka(CEO)[2][3]ProductsBanking, financial and related servicesRevenue Rs 235.529 billion [1](...
King of Saudi Arabia from 1964 to 1975 Shah Faisal redirects here. For other uses, see Shah Faisal (disambiguation). FaisalCustodian of the Two Holy MosquesFormal portrait, 1945King of Saudi ArabiaReign2 November 1964 – 25 March 1975Bay'ah2 November 1964PredecessorSaudSuccessorKhalidRegent of Saudi ArabiaTenure4 March 1964 – 2 November 1964 MonarchSaud Prime Minister of Saudi ArabiaTenure16 August 1954 – 21 December 1960PredecessorSaud bin AbdulazizSuccessorSaud bin AbdulazizTenure31 Oc...
Piala Raja Spanyol 1988–1989Negara SpanyolJumlah peserta119Juara bertahanBarcelonaJuaraReal Madrid(gelar ke-16)Tempat keduaValladolidJumlah pertandingan235Jumlah gol599 (2.55 per pertandingan)← 1987–1988 1989–1990 → Piala Raja Spanyol 1988–1989 adalah edisi ke-85 dari penyelenggaraan Piala Raja Spanyol, turnamen sepak bola di Spanyol dengan sistem piala. Edisi ini dimenangkan oleh Real Madrid setelah mengalahkan Valladolid pada pertandingan final dengan skor 1–0. Final Arti...