Māori hapū (sub-tribe) in Aotearoa (New Zealand)
Māori iwi in New Zealand
Ngāti Te Whatuiāpiti, Ngāti Te Whatu-i-āpiti or Ngāi Te Whatuiāpiti is a Māori hapū (subtribe or branch) of the Ngāti Kahungunu iwi in Hawke's Bay, New Zealand.[1][2]
The hapū were descended from Te Whatuiāpiti, who was a great-grandson of Taewhā, himself a son of Rākei-hikuroa, the grandson of Kahungunu, and his second wife. Ngāi Whatuiāpiti had a fierce rivalry with Ngāi Te Upokoiri, which was descended from Taraia, a son of Rākei-hikuroa and his first wife.[2]
Marae and wharenui
Central Hawke's Bay District
The hapū is associated with three marae (meeting grounds) and wharenui (meeting houses) in Central Hawke's Bay District:
- Mataweka marae and Nohomaiterangi wharenui on Tapairu Road at Waipawa
- Pukehou marae and Keke Haunga wharenui on State Highway 2 at Pukehou
- Te Whatuiāpiti marae and Te Whatuiāpiti wharenui on Te Aute Trust Road in the Pātangata area and north-east of Ōtāne
Hastings District
The hapū is associated with two marae (meeting grounds) and wharenui (meeting houses) in Hastings District:
- Kahurānaki marae and wharenui on State Highway 2 at Te Hauke
- Korongatā marae and Nukanoa wharenui on Maraekakaho Road at Bridge Pa
Notable people