Nero. is a 1992 Italian black comedycrime film co-written and directed by Giancarlo Soldi. Starring Sergio Castellitto and Chiara Caselli, the screenplay was written by Tiziano Sclavi from a novel of the same name. It follows Frederico and Francesca as they struggle to find a suitably quiet place while carrying Francesca's former boyfriend Zardo cut in pieces in a suitcase.
Plot synopsis
Frederico's new girlfriend Francesca may have killed her former boyfriend by slitting his throat. Her lover, Frederico, who believes her guilty, tries to help her by making her corpse disappear. But the body really disappears, passing from the trunk of one car to another. His name was Zardo.
Assuming that Francesca killed her former boyfriend and sent him for cleaning up, Frederico cuts him up in pieces, puts him in a suitcase and tries to get rid of it, but he has a hard time finding a suitably quiet place. Unfortunately there's a witness, who comes back on him. One thing leads to another, and the normally shy and overly fearful Frederico has to rid himself of more and more corpses until the film ends.