Naël Marandin (born June 23, 1981) is a French actor and film director.
Marandin started acting as a child, he played in such films as Les allumettes suédoises (The Swedish matches) and La ville dont le prince est un enfant (The city whose prince is a child). After that he took a break from acting and studied political science. For several years, he lived in China and Tibet. Upon return to France, he emerged as a video maker and film director, releasing two prized shorts: Foreign Bodies and No neighborhood.[1][2][3]
His first feature, She walks, was released in 2015. The film tells the story of Lin Aiyu, an illegal Chinese immigrant living in Belleville, who works as a prostitute hiding it from her teenage daughter.[4] At the project stage, the film won the Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée (CNC) project competition and received a grant for production.[5]