A prequel manga, titled Minami no Teiō: Young-hen (ミナミの帝王 ヤング編, Minami no Teiō Yangu-hen) (and later Minami no Teiō: Young-hen – Riken Kūkō (ミナミの帝王 ヤング編 利権空港, Minami no Teiō Yangu-hen Riken Kūkō)), was published from 2006 to 2013, and nine volumes were released from 30 November 2006 to 29 June 2013.[9][10][11][12]
The first original video film was released on 26 June 1992.[13] The first theatrical film was released on 26 June 1993.[14]
Incomplete list
The King of Minami Returns: Scholarship and Oreore Fraud (2016)
The King of Minami The Movie (2017)
The King of Minami Returns: The Price of a Life (2017)
The King of Minami Returns: Light and Shadow (2017)