Michael George is an American retired professional wrestler, best known by his ring name"Timekeeper" Mike George. George is best known for working in the National Wrestling Alliance in the 1970s and 1980s to the early 1990s.
In 1988, George returned to the Central States area, which had withdrawn from the NWA and transformed itself into the World Wrestling Alliance. On January 23 that year, he defeated Dick Slater in a tournament final in Kansas City to determine the first WWA World Heavyweight Champion. He lost the title to Masa Chono on February 26 in St. Joseph, but regained in on March 17 in Kansas City. On May 8, 1988, at the Von Erich Memorial Parade of Champions in Irving, Texas, he retained his WWA title by defeating Jeff Raitz, then continued to hold the title until the WWA closed later in 1988. In 1989, George wrestled for the American Wrestling Association.
After retirement in 1991, Mike George went to work at The Woodlands, a horse and dog racing track based in Kansas City, KS, doing security. After The Woodlands closed down, he went on to work at 7th Street Casino as a professional security officer/dispatcher.