As you go, preach this message: 'The kingdom of heaven is near.'
Robert Witham notes that this message is radically new. Before prophets spoke of earthy things but here instead the apostles are commanded only to speak of heavenly.[1]
Commentary from the Church Fathers
Glossa Ordinaria: "Having told them to whom they should go, He now introduces what they should preach; Go and preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand."[2]
Rabanus Maurus: " The kingdom of heaven is here said to draw nigh by the faith in the unseen Creator which is bestowed upon us, not by any movement of the visible elements. The saints are rightly denoted by the heavens, because they contain God by faith, and love Him with affection."[2]
Chrysostom: " Behold the greatness of their ministry, behold the dignity of the Apostles. They are not to preach of any thing that can be an object of sense, as Moses and the Prophets did; but things new and unlooked for; those preached earthly goods, but these the kingdom of heaven and all the goods that are there."[2]
^Robert Witham, Annotations on the New Testament of Jesus Christ. Dublin: 1730.