Martin Leyer-Pritzkow grew up the first years in Düsseldorf. Influenced by his grandfather, who has taken him to many exhibitions of classical modernism as a child, his interest in art developed. At grammar school in Düsseldorf-Gerresheim he received art lessons from Konrad Fischer (artist name: Konrad Lueg) and Gerhard Richter. In the year 1972 Leyer-Pritzkow changed school and graduated for high school in Bonn.
After studying economics at the Universities of Regensburg and Cologne, he began his career in 1983 as a marketing manager at Diners Club International, in Germany. He was director of marketing and sales at a former subsidiary of the 1989 Swiss reinsurance and the "Dr. Harald Quandt Holding ". He subsequently worked as a managing partner of a Direct Marketing company in Munich and consultant for a French consulting company in Lyon. In 1996 he started his own business as an independent curator in Düsseldorf.
Curatorial activities
Martin Leyer-Pritzkow organizes his own exhibitions of contemporary art in Germany and foreign countries. He cares about artistic life works, mediates contemporary fine art and gives lectures about the quality characteristics of contemporary art and strategical collecting. He analysis developments and tendencies of the international art market in newspapers and broadcast.
2015 Natura nutrix - Homo vorax, Collateralevent of the 56th Venice Biennale with Nevia Pizzul-Capello and Hans-Joachim Petersen at Palazzo Albrizzi, Associaczone Culturale Italo-Tedesca, Venice, Italy
2010 Muc-Dus Exchange, White Box, Munich and E.ON Headquarters, Düsseldorf, Germany
(Ed.): Due Dinemsioni, Giovane Arte in Italia e Germania Texts by Massimo Dona, Fabrizio Gazzarri, Martin Leyer-Pritzkow, Tonato Antonio and Luigi Viola, in English, Italian and German language, Leyer-Pritzkow, Düsseldorf 1998, ISBN3-926820-61-6.
(Ed.). Adolf Bierbrauer, in English and German language, Leyer-Pritzkow, Düsseldorf 2000, ISBN3-926820-70-5.
(Ed.): Young Figuratives, in English and German language, Ketterer Kunst, Munich 2001. ISBN3-00-007375-2.
(Ed.): Fabrizio Gazzarri: Dialoghi Inversi – Fabrizio Gazzarri, in English, Italian and German language, Leyer-Pritzkow, Düsseldorf 2003. ISBN3-00-012419-5.
with Klaus Sebastian: Das Kunstkaufbuch (The Art Purchase Book) Prestel, Munich, Berlin, London, New York, 2005. ISBN3-7913-3359-3.
Limits of freedom, the aesthetics of the moment, the introduction to the photographs of the artist Sven Kierst, in English and German, dauvi-Verlag, Bergheim 2012, ISBN978-3-937855-06-6.