Mark V. Ziesing is an American small presspublisher and bookseller, founded by Mark Ziesing (born 1953).[1][2] Active as a bookseller, from 1972 to present; Ziesing was in publishing, from the mid-1980s into 1998. The Ziesing publishing imprint specialized in science fiction, horror, and other forms of speculative fiction. Originally based in Willimantic, Connecticut and in partnership with his brother Michael (born 1946), he published two books by Gene Wolfe under the name Ziesing Brothers.[2]
Unless specified, all editions are hardcover and first publications. For most there was also a signed, numbered, limited edition in a slipcase, and for a very few there was an "ultra-limited" version: The Night of the Cooters ultra-limited came with a martin base statue to hold the book, and the Mefisto in Onyx ultra-limited included an actual cage for the book.
1982/??: Gene Wolfe - The Castle of the Otter (nonfiction collection) [Ziesing Brothers]
1993/09: Pat Cadigan - Dirty Work (story collection)
1993/12: Harlan Ellison - Mefisto in Onyx (expanded reprint; novella)
1994/03: Harlan Ellison - Mefisto in Onyx (second printing with slight corrections)
1994/07: David J. Schow - Black Leather Required (story collection)
1994/07: Lucius Shepard - Sports & Music (chapbook; story collection)
1994/08: Stephen King - Insomnia (done in a signed limited and unsigned "gift" editions; the true first edition of this King novel, preceding the trade edition)[3]
1998/05: John Shirley - Black Butterflies: A Flock on the Dark Side (softcover; story collection)
A Handbook of American Prayer, a novella by Lucius Shepard, was originally scheduled for publication by Ziesing circa 1998, but was never published. A novel version appeared in 2004 from Four Walls Eight Windows.
Alien Graffiti, a collection of selected nonfiction by Michael Bishop was originally scheduled for publication by Ziesing circa 1986/87. A nonfiction collection by Bishop from PS Publishing appeared in 2005 entitled A Reverie for Mister Ray.