Torres has a degree in Political Science and Sociology from the University of Granada. In 2007, he presented his PhD thesis focused on Jihadist terrorism, when there was still high tension after 9/11.
He has participated in numerous national and international research works. He has written several books, and has numerous publications in magazines and chapter collaborations with other books.[1]
In his book Disinformation, the effect of disinformation on different policy areas is analysed.[2]
Torres is a lecturer in the Department of Political Science and Administration at the Universidad Pablo de Olavide in Seville, and also directs several masters and specialisations.[3][4]
He is a member of the European Counter-Terrorism Centre (Europol) and sits on the academic board of several organisations in the security field.[5][6]
El Eco del Terror. Ideología y propaganda en el terrorismo yihadista. Plaza y Valdés, Madrid, 2009. ISBN978-8492751051
Al Andalus 2.0. La ciber-yihad contra España. Biblioteca GESI, Granada, 2014.ISBN978-8461679911
Desinformación. Poder y Manipulación en la Era Digital. Comares, Granada, 2019. ISBN978-8490458853
Primer Premio Nacional de Fin de Carrera en Ciencia Política (2002).