The story revolves around Manang Biring, an elderly woman who has stage 4 breast cancer, who receives a letter from an article about the reunion. Even as she has accepted her fate, she wants to spend time with her family and is still looking forward to reuniting with her grandson and estranged daughter for the Christmas season until her death.[2][3]
Manang Biring was produced under Black Maria Pictures.[5] with Carl Joseph Papa as the director, writer and editor. Rap Ramirez and Manuel Abanto were the cinematographers while Matthew Ericson Echague was the lead animator. Dunno Parafina did the music.[1]
Manang Biring was done in black and white animation and had Filipino as its dialogue.[1] It was first filmed in live action and later processed into rotoscope animation.[3]
Manang Biring is the sole animation entry at the 2015 Cinema One Originals, a film festival which started on November 9, 2015.[6]
It would be screened in film festivals outside the Philippines such as the 2016 Annecy Animation Film Festival[7][8] and the 2016 Nara International Film Festival.[1]
3 wins out of 9 nominationsAccolades received by Broken Heart's Trip