Lodewijk De Koninck (Hoogstraten, 30 October 1838 - Retie, 22 March 1924) was a Flemish writer.
He studied at the school for teachers Lier and became a teacher in Antwerp. Later he became an inspector of the Catholic primary schools and a teacher at the school for teachers in Mechelen.
As a writer he wrote poems which reflected his strict catholic belief. He is best known for the epic Het menschdom verlost (first edition 1872) (E: Humanity saved), written in Alexandrine verse. He also wrote the libretto of the oratorioFransciscus of Edgar Tinel.
At the frontwall of his house in the Sint-Martinusstraat (nr. 8) in Retie, there was, in earlier days, a stone with the engraving Hier leefde en stierf dichter Lodewijk De Koninck 1924 (e: Here lived and died the writer Lodewijk De Koninck 1924).
Heibloemen (1869)
Het menschdom verlost. Tafereelen (1874)
Galerij van vaderlandsche tafereelen, opgehangen rond de wieg van P.P. Rubens (1878)
Ode aan Vondel (1879)
Verspreide gedichten (1880)
Ode aan Kiliaan (1882)
Het menschdom verlost (1883)
Het menschdom verlost. Heldendicht in twaalf zangen (1883)