The film is an action adaptation of William Shakespeare's Comedy of Errors with a twist. One pair of twins, which grew up in Guwahati, knows fighting, while the other pair, which grew up in Tezpur, doesn't.
Deep and Arun Mohan are twin from Guwahati. They are proficient in martial arts. They flee to Tezpur to escape from thugs. Meanwhile, Deepu and Tarun Mohan are their doppelganger twin living in tezpur. They run a business and aren't proficient in fighting. The wife of Tarun get suspicious when she saw her husband avoiding her, as well mistaking Arun for her husband Tarun. In the climax, Deep and Arun rescue Deepu and Tarun from thugs.
Utkal Hazowary in dual role as Arun Mohan/Tarun Mohan
Sarmistha Chakravorty as Adriana
Eepsita Hazarika as Lucy
Bonny Deori as Biku
Tony Deori Basumatary as Bob
Bibhuti Bhushan Hazarika as GK
Yashraj Jadhav as Pankhi Baba
Montu Deori as Bhagin
Amar Singh Deori as Mama
Suneet Bora as Rahul
Mrigendra Konwar as Mr. Possessive
Rajib Kro as Gang leader (Cameo)
Sound Track
This movie has 7 songs playing in the background of the movie.
Song Playback Singer
Kung Fu You: Tony DB
Jote Tote: Ambar Das
Pi: Manu and Chow
His name is G.K.: Bonny Deori
Kheli Meli Mon: Anisha Saikia
Maya Bhora Jibon: Utkol Hazowary
Boroxa: Utkol Hazowary
Kenny told reporter of possible release of Local Kung Fu 3 by winter of 2023.[5]Local Kung Fu 3, the direct sequel to the first installment was released on 5 September 2024.[6]